Kevin Max
The Saint Of Lonely Hearts

When fate has seen you on the stage of life
(Resilient and repressed)
When angels receive you in their house of light
(Reinvented and distressed)
That is when we know that you're a hero
When you walk through fire and fear zero

Just like old blue eyes, you have gone your own way
On broken highways, you have made your name
And carved out sidewalks that
People now stand upon
'Cause true rebels walk alone
You're the Saint of Lonely Hearts

When life has got you in a stranglehold
(Fearful and depressed)
Your only friends are people that you owe
(And frankly they're under duress)
That is when you get down on your knees
(You get down on them)
And get release from your lonely heart's disease

Like John the Baptist, you have made the way
For the unbelievers and their restless hate
But still you cover them
Yes, you bury them with grace
You're the Saint of Lonely Hearts
The Saint of Lonely Hearts
The Saint of Lonely Hearts

Mirror lyrics:

The Saint of Lonely Hearts
The Saint of Lonely Hearts
You're the Saint of Lonely Hearts
Yes, you bury them with grace
But still you cover them
For the unbelievers and their restless hate
Like John the Baptist, you have made the way

And get release from your lonely heart's disease
(You get down on them)
That is when you get down on your knees
(And frankly they're under duress)
Your only friends are people that you owe
(Fearful and depressed)
When life has got you in a stranglehold

You're the Saint of Lonely Hearts
'Cause true rebels walk alone
People now stand upon
And carved out sidewalks that
On broken highways, you have made your name
Just like old blue eyes, you have gone your own way

When you walk through fire and fear zero
That is when we know that you're a hero
(Reinvented and distressed)
When angels receive you in their house of light
(Resilient and repressed)
When fate has seen you on the stage of life

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSaint OOf LLonely HHearts he aint f onely earts hTe aSint fO oLnely eHarts fhe zaint kf konely jearts fThe zSaint kOf kLonely jHearts
Tfhe Szaint Okf Lkonely Hjearts 5he waint 9f oonely uearts 5The wSaint 9Of oLonely uHearts T5he Swaint O9f Loonely Huearts hhe daint 0f ponely nearts
hThe dSaint 0Of pLonely nHearts Thhe Sdaint O0f Lponely Hnearts yhe eaint lf bearts yThe eSaint lOf Lnely bHearts Tyhe Seaint Olf Lnoely Hbearts
6he xaint if Lknely gearts 6The xSaint iOf gHearts T6he Sxaint Oif Loknely Hgearts ghe aaint Off L9nely yearts gThe aSaint O L9onely yHearts
Tghe Saaint Of Lo9nely Hyearts rhe Oc L0nely Heearts rThe Sint Ocf L0onely Harts Trhe Siant Ofc Lo0nely Haerts Szint Or Llnely Hsarts
Te Orf Llonely Hsearts Teh Sazint Ofr Lolnely Hesarts Tje Sqint Og Linely H3arts Tjhe Sqaint Ogf Lionely H3earts Thje Saqint Ofg Loinely He3arts
Tue Ssint Ot Lonnely Hfarts Tuhe Ssaint Otf Loely Hfearts Thue Sasint Oft Loenly Hefarts Tne Swint Ov Lomely Hrarts Tnhe Ovf Lomnely Hrearts
Thne Sawint Ofv Lonmely Herarts Tbe Sxint Od Lohely H4arts Tbhe Odf Lohnely H4earts Thbe Saxint Ofd Lonhely He4arts Tge Saiint Lojely Hdarts
Sant Lojnely Hdearts Thge Sanit Lonjely Hedarts Tye Sajnt Lobely Hwarts Sajint Lobnely Hwearts Thye Saijnt Lonbely Hewarts
Thee Sa9nt Loneely Heaarts Th Sa9int Lonly Herts The Sai9nt Lonley Herats Ths Salnt Lonsly Hezrts Thse Salint Lonsely Hezarts
Thes Sailnt Lonesly Heazrts Th3 Saont Lon3ly Heqrts Th3e Saoint Lon3ely Heqarts The3 Saiont Lone3ly Heaqrts Thf Saknt Lonfly Hesrts
Thfe Sakint Lonfely Thef Saiknt Lonefly Heasrts Thr Sa8nt Lonrly Hewrts Thre Sa8int Lonrely Ther Sai8nt Lonerly Heawrts
Th4 Saunt Lon4ly Hexrts Th4e Sauint Lon4ely Hexarts The4 Saiunt Lone4ly Heaxrts

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