Kevin Max
Crashing Gates And Passing Keepers

They saw us coming from miles away
Jubilant train
Wearing feathers like an exotic bird
Double-headed, breathing smoke
Looking for a line to quote, waiting to jump the rope
To change the vote, to witness hope in the newest thing, called "freedom"
But they said, "No way," and they wore the same coats, khaki-brown and faded
Typed at the same machines and tried to box up all the dreams in neat little packages
Like widgets for the factory
All the while
Big Brother watching
Big Brother watching

"But we are crashing gates, and we are passing over the gate keepers"
We are the new
And we are marching like a jubilant train through your towns
Past your landscapes of lame ducks
Past the lines of indifference
Past the stormtroopers of compromise
The deputies of damage control
The officers of fear
As they hand out their tickets to the deaf and the dumb and the younger ones
To the very old, the influential, the disturbed, the zealots, the sheltered, the innocent

As we take another ride down the blackened hall
You enter into space in the place to go
Back to the beginning of it all

Like the dawning of a new age
Like the turning of a new page
Like the birth of a new son
Like freedom on a roll
Wearing nothing but a smile on our faces and our hands up in the air

(It was all of us)

(It's so full of stars, so full of stars, so full of stars)

'Cause it's a future love song we cannot describe
It's just a future love song that
We cannot describe
You know, a future love song that
We can never describe
It's just a future love song that
We can never abide
We're stuck in a future
Love song, and there's no
Ending in sight
Your future

Mirror lyrics:

Your future
Ending in sight
Love song, and there's no
We're stuck in a future
We can never abide
It's just a future love song that
We can never describe
You know, a future love song that
We cannot describe
It's just a future love song that
'Cause it's a future love song we cannot describe

(It's so full of stars, so full of stars, so full of stars)

(It was all of us)

Wearing nothing but a smile on our faces and our hands up in the air
Like freedom on a roll
Like the birth of a new son
Like the turning of a new page
Like the dawning of a new age

Back to the beginning of it all
You enter into space in the place to go
As we take another ride down the blackened hall

To the very old, the influential, the disturbed, the zealots, the sheltered, the innocent
As they hand out their tickets to the deaf and the dumb and the younger ones
The officers of fear
The deputies of damage control
Past the stormtroopers of compromise
Past the lines of indifference
Past your landscapes of lame ducks
And we are marching like a jubilant train through your towns
We are the new
"But we are crashing gates, and we are passing over the gate keepers"

Big Brother watching
Big Brother watching
All the while
Like widgets for the factory
Typed at the same machines and tried to box up all the dreams in neat little packages
But they said, "No way," and they wore the same coats, khaki-brown and faded
To change the vote, to witness hope in the newest thing, called "freedom"
Looking for a line to quote, waiting to jump the rope
Double-headed, breathing smoke
Wearing feathers like an exotic bird
Jubilant train
They saw us coming from miles away

Relevant Tags:
CCrashing GGates AAnd PPassing KKeepers rashing ates nd assing eepers rCashing aGtes nAd aPssing eKepers frashing hates znd 0assing leepers fCrashing hGates zAnd 0Passing lKeepers
Cfrashing Ghates Aznd P0assing Kleepers xrashing yates qnd lassing oeepers xCrashing yGates qAnd lPassing oKeepers Cxrashing Gyates Aqnd Plassing Koeepers vrashing bates snd oassing meepers
vCrashing bGates sAnd oPassing mKeepers Cvrashing Gbates Asnd Poassing Kmeepers drashing vates wnd Paassing jeepers dCrashing vGates wAnd Pssing jKeepers Cdrashing Gvates Awnd Psasing Kjeepers
Crrashing fates xnd Pzssing ieepers Cashing fGates xAnd Pzassing iKeepers Carshing Gfates Axnd Pazssing Kieepers Cdashing tates Annd Pqssing Keeepers tGates Ad Pqassing Kepers
Crdashing Gtates Adn Paqssing Keepers C4ashing Gaates Amd Psssing Ksepers C4rashing Gtes Amnd Psassing Kseepers Cr4ashing Gtaes Anmd Passsing Kesepers Cgashing Gztes Ahd Pwssing K3epers
Cgrashing Gzates Ahnd Pwassing K3eepers Crgashing Gaztes Anhd Pawssing Ke3epers Ctashing Gqtes Ajd Pxssing Kfepers Ctrashing Gqates Ajnd Pxassing Kfeepers Crtashing Gaqtes Anjd Paxssing Kefepers
C5ashing Gstes Abd Krepers C5rashing Gsates Abnd Pasing Kreepers Cr5ashing Gastes Anbd Passing Kerepers Cfashing Gwtes Andd Pazsing K4epers Gwates An K4eepers
Crfashing Gawtes And Paszsing Ke4epers Ceashing Gxtes Anx Pawsing Kdepers Cerashing Gxates Anxd Kdeepers Creashing Gaxtes Andx Paswsing Kedepers Craashing Gattes Ane Padsing Kwepers
Crshing Gaes Aned Padssing Kweepers Crsahing Gaets Ande Pasdsing Kewepers Crzshing Gafes Anf Paesing Crzashing Gaftes Anfd Paessing Crazshing Gatfes Andf Pasesing Kepeers
Crqshing Ga5es Anr Paxsing Kespers Crqashing Ga5tes Anrd Craqshing Gat5es Andr Pasxsing Keespers Crsshing Gahes Anc Paasing Ke3pers Crsashing Gahtes Ancd
Crasshing Gathes Andc Pasasing Kee3pers Crwshing Gayes Ans Kefpers Crwashing Gaytes Ansd Crawshing Gatyes Ands Pasisng Keefpers Crxshing Ga6es Paszing Kerpers
Crxashing Ga6tes Craxshing Gat6es Passzing Keerpers Gages Paswing Ke4pers Crahing Gagtes Crahsing Gatges Passwing Kee4pers
Crazhing Gares Pasding Kedpers Gartes Craszhing Gatres Passding Keedpers Crawhing Gatees Paseing Kewpers Gats
Craswhing Gatse Passeing Keewpers Cradhing Gatss Pasxing Keeppers Cradshing Gatses Keeers Crasdhing Gatess Passxing Keeeprs Craehing Gat3s Pasaing Kee0ers
Craeshing Gat3es Kee0pers Crasehing Gate3s Passaing Keep0ers Craxhing Gatfs Passiing Keelers Passng Keelpers

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