Kevin Johansen
Living In A Story

I'm living in a story written by the dream
of a movie star in a movie.
I'm sleeping in a bed inside of a motel
on a dirty road by the freeway.
I'm swimming in the waters hidden in the streams
of a river made for the blue sea
I'm living in a story written by the dream
of a movie star in a movie.

All I do is look around for your help
and see no one nowhere.
All I do is look around for your help
and find no one nowhere.

I'm looking at the twin towers shaking off a cloud
full of molecules and pollution.
I'm crawling down a subway, entering a cave
of graffitti marks: evolution.

All I do...

Mirror lyrics:

All I do...

of graffitti marks: evolution.
I'm crawling down a subway, entering a cave
full of molecules and pollution.
I'm looking at the twin towers shaking off a cloud

and find no one nowhere.
All I do is look around for your help
and see no one nowhere.
All I do is look around for your help

of a movie star in a movie.
I'm living in a story written by the dream
of a river made for the blue sea
I'm swimming in the waters hidden in the streams
on a dirty road by the freeway.
I'm sleeping in a bed inside of a motel
of a movie star in a movie.
I'm living in a story written by the dream

Relevant Tags:
LLiving IIn AA SStory iving n tory iLving nI A tSory kiving jn z ztory kLiving jIn zA zStory Lkiving Ijn Az Sztory
oiving 9n q wtory oLiving 9In qA wStory Loiving I9n Aq Swtory piving ln s dtory pLiving lIn sA dStory Lpiving Iln As Sdtory
Liiving on w etory Lving oIn wA eStory Lviing Ion Aw Setory Ljving kn x xtory Ljiving kIn xA xStory Lijving Ikn Ax Sxtory
L9ving 8n atory L9iving 8In aStory Li9ving I8n Satory Llving un Sttory Lliving uIn Sory Lilving Iun Sotry
Loving Inn Sfory I Sftory Lioving In Stfory Lkving Im S5ory Imn S5tory Likving Inm St5ory
L8ving Ih Shory L8iving Ihn Shtory Li8ving Inh Sthory Luving Ij Syory Luiving Sytory Liuving Inj Styory
Livving Ib S6ory Liing Ibn S6tory Liivng Inb St6ory Libing Sgory Libving Sgtory Livbing Stgory
Licing Srory Licving Srtory Livcing Strory Liging Stoory Ligving Stry Livging Stroy
Lifing Stkry Lifving Stkory Livfing Stokry Liviing St9ry Livng St9ory Livnig Sto9ry
Livjng St0ry

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