Kevin Fowler
I Lost My Heart In Oklahoma

Picked up the paper just the other day

When I was over 'round Chickasha

Flipped over to the classified ads

To see what I could find

Somewhere in the lost and found

Between a diamond ring and an old black hound

There was a letter from a man down in Texas

Who left something across the state line


It said I lost my heart in Oklahoma

If anybody finds it please send it back

Reward offered by the owner

No questions asked

It said he met her over Tulsa way

When he was just a kid

Still remembers to this very day

All those crazy things she did

I've got a lot in common with that man

Yeah, I've been in his shoes

You'd better watch out or you might get taken

A heart's not hard to lose


What he said wasn't all in vain,

Don't think I'll ever find it now

The past is one thing I can't change

The hands of time keep spinnin' 'round

I've been searching high and low

But now I know it's my one last chance to bring it home

(Chorus) X 2

Yea, I lost my heart in Oklahoma

Mirror lyrics:

Yea, I lost my heart in Oklahoma

(Chorus) X 2

But now I know it's my one last chance to bring it home

I've been searching high and low

The hands of time keep spinnin' 'round

The past is one thing I can't change

Don't think I'll ever find it now

What he said wasn't all in vain,


A heart's not hard to lose

You'd better watch out or you might get taken

Yeah, I've been in his shoes

I've got a lot in common with that man

All those crazy things she did

Still remembers to this very day

When he was just a kid

It said he met her over Tulsa way

No questions asked

Reward offered by the owner

If anybody finds it please send it back

It said I lost my heart in Oklahoma


Who left something across the state line

There was a letter from a man down in Texas

Between a diamond ring and an old black hound

Somewhere in the lost and found

To see what I could find

Flipped over to the classified ads

When I was over 'round Chickasha

Picked up the paper just the other day

Relevant Tags:
II LLost MMy HHeart IIn OOklahoma ost y eart n klahoma I oLst yM eHart nI kOlahoma j kost jy jeart jn kklahoma jI kLost jMy jHeart jIn kOklahoma
Ij Lkost Mjy Hjeart Ijn Okklahoma 9 oost ky ueart 9n 9klahoma 9I oLost kMy uHeart 9In 9Oklahoma I9 Loost Mky Hueart I9n O9klahoma l post ny neart ln 0klahoma
lI pLost nMy nHeart lIn 0Oklahoma Il Lpost Mny Hneart Iln O0klahoma o Myy beart on lklahoma oI Lst M bHeart oIn lOklahoma Io Lsot My Hbeart Ion Olklahoma
k Lkst Mg geart kn iklahoma kI Mgy gHeart kIn iOklahoma Ik Lokst Myg Hgeart Ikn Oiklahoma 8 L9st Mh yeart 8n 8I L9ost Mhy yHeart 8In Olahoma
I8 Lo9st Myh Hyeart I8n Olkahoma u L0st M6 Heeart un Ollahoma uI L0ost M6y Hart uIn Iu Lo0st My6 Haert Iun Okllahoma Llst Mu Hsart Inn Oolahoma
Llost Muy Hseart I Ooklahoma Lolst Myu Hesart In Okolahoma List M7 H3art Im Omlahoma Liost M7y H3eart Imn Omklahoma Loist My7 He3art Inm Okmlahoma
Losst Mj Hfart Ih Ojlahoma Lot Hfeart Ihn Ojklahoma Lots Myj Hefart Inh Okjlahoma Lozt Mt Hrart Ij Oilahoma Lozst Mty Hreart
Loszt Myt Herart Inj Okilahoma Lowt H4art Ib Lowst H4eart Ibn Okahoma Loswt He4art Inb Okalhoma Lodt Hdart Okkahoma
Lodst Hdeart Losdt Hedart Oklkahoma Loet Hwart Okoahoma Loest Hweart Loset Hewart Okloahoma
Loxt Heaart Okpahoma Loxst Hert Okplahoma Losxt Herat Oklpahoma Loat Hezrt Oklaahoma Loast Hezart Oklhoma
Losat Heazrt Oklhaoma Lostt Heqrt Oklzhoma Los Heqart Oklzahoma Lost Heaqrt Oklazhoma Losf Hesrt Oklqhoma
Losft Oklqahoma Lostf Heasrt Oklaqhoma Los5 Hewrt Oklshoma Los5t Oklsahoma Lost5 Heawrt Oklashoma
Losh Hexrt Oklwhoma Losht Hexart Oklwahoma Losth Heaxrt Oklawhoma Losy Hearrt Oklxhoma

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