Kevin Max
Your Beautiful Mind 2009

The question is
Where did this begin
Who authored and who finished it
It's such a beautiful world
But such a twisted plan
For it to end before we really lived in it

Oh, tell me
Why this is happening
Oh, tell me
Should I believe in anything

And I find Your beautiful mind in everything
Still everything can't make me believe
I find Your beautiful eyes see everything
So show me something beautiful please

A corporation will rise
And the working man will fall
We bit the apple, now the apple's eating us
We want just fifteen minutes
Then we want it all
And watch our own image bleeding us
I feel so cold, and I'm growing old
Come on now just finish it

Oh, tell me what's the purpose of love, anyway
She looks the best when she just walks away

And I find Your beautiful hands make everything
And everything is all I need
I find Your beautiful eyes see everything
So show me something beautiful please

I cannot figure it
I cannot get into it
Oh, tell me I should have noticed

Is there a code that I can't crack?
My life is slipping right off the tracks
I don't even know if I want it back, so
Take it away from me

And I find Your beautiful mind in everything
And everything is all I need
I find your beautiful eyes see right through me
So show me what You want me to be

Oh, I see in You
Everything I want to be, oh

Mirror lyrics:

Everything I want to be, oh
Oh, I see in You

So show me what You want me to be
I find your beautiful eyes see right through me
And everything is all I need
And I find Your beautiful mind in everything

Take it away from me
I don't even know if I want it back, so
My life is slipping right off the tracks
Is there a code that I can't crack?

Oh, tell me I should have noticed
I cannot get into it
I cannot figure it

So show me something beautiful please
I find Your beautiful eyes see everything
And everything is all I need
And I find Your beautiful hands make everything

She looks the best when she just walks away
Oh, tell me what's the purpose of love, anyway

Come on now just finish it
I feel so cold, and I'm growing old
And watch our own image bleeding us
Then we want it all
We want just fifteen minutes
We bit the apple, now the apple's eating us
And the working man will fall
A corporation will rise

So show me something beautiful please
I find Your beautiful eyes see everything
Still everything can't make me believe
And I find Your beautiful mind in everything

Should I believe in anything
Oh, tell me
Why this is happening
Oh, tell me

For it to end before we really lived in it
But such a twisted plan
It's such a beautiful world
Who authored and who finished it
Where did this begin
The question is

Relevant Tags:
YYour BBeautiful MMind 22009 our eautiful ind 009 oYur eBautiful iMnd 0209 gour veautiful jind 3009 gYour vBeautiful jMind 32009 Ygour Bveautiful Mjind 23009
hour geautiful kind q009 hYour gBeautiful kMind q2009 Yhour Bgeautiful Mkind 2q009 6our neautiful nind w009 6Your nBeautiful nMind w2009 Y6our Bneautiful Mnind 2w009
uour heautiful Miind 1009 uYour hBeautiful Mnd 12009 Yuour Bheautiful Mnid 21009 7our Beeautiful Mjnd 20009 7Your Bautiful 209 Y7our Baeutiful Mijnd 2009
jour Bsautiful M9nd 2p09 jYour Bseautiful M9ind 2p009 Yjour Besautiful Mi9nd 20p09 tour B3autiful Mlnd 2909 tYour B3eautiful Mlind 29009 Ytour Be3autiful Milnd 20909
Yoour Bfautiful Mond 2o09 Yur Bfeautiful Moind 2o009 Yuor Befautiful Miond 20o09 Ykur Brautiful Mknd Ykour Breautiful Yokur Berautiful Miknd 2090
Y9ur B4autiful M8nd 20p9 Y9our B4eautiful M8ind Yo9ur Be4autiful Mi8nd 200p9 Y0ur Bdautiful Mund 2099 Y0our Bdeautiful Muind Yo0ur Bedautiful Miund 20099
Ylur Bwautiful Minnd 20o9 Ylour Bweautiful Mid Yolur Bewautiful Midn 200o9 Yiur Beaautiful Mimd Yiour Beutiful Mimnd 200 Yoiur Beuatiful Minmd
Youur Bezutiful Mihd 2000 Yor Bezautiful Mihnd Yoru Beazutiful Minhd 20090 Yohr Bequtiful Mijd 200i Yohur Beqautiful 200i9 Youhr Beaqutiful Minjd 2009i
Yo7r Besutiful Mibd 200o Yo7ur Mibnd You7r Beasutiful Minbd 2009o Yokr Bewutiful Mindd 2008 Min 20089 Youkr Beawutiful Mind 20098
Yoir Bexutiful Minx Bexautiful Minxd Youir Beaxutiful Mindx Yo8r Beauutiful Mine Yo8ur Beatiful Mined You8r Beatuiful Minde
Yojr Beahtiful Minf Yojur Beahutiful Minfd Youjr Beauhtiful Mindf Yoyr Bea7tiful Minr Yoyur Bea7utiful Minrd Youyr Beau7tiful Mindr
Yourr Beaktiful Minc You Beakutiful Mincd Your Beauktiful Mindc Youd Beaitiful Mins Youdr Beaiutiful Minsd Yourd Beauitiful Minds
You4 Bea8tiful You4r Bea8utiful Your4 Beau8tiful Youg Beajtiful Yougr Beajutiful Yourg Beaujtiful
Yout Beaytiful Youtr Beayutiful Yourt Beauytiful You5 Beauttiful You5r Beauiful Your5 Beauitful
Youf Beaufiful Youfr Beauftiful Yourf Beautfiful Youe Beau5iful Youer Beau5tiful Youre Beaut5iful

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