K's Choice

You think you haven't changed
You think I'm being sentimental
You've finally reached that age
Security is fundamental

You think you haven't changed
You think that you're just growing older
You wanted to be safe
But it turned you into someone colder

You're so busy these days
Rearranging your place
Can you still find some space for yourself
You think you haven't changed

Is anyone to blame
I'd really like to think it's you
But it seems like that's the way
Everyone but me is going

You're so busy these days
Rearranging your face.
Do you still see a trace of yourself

I'm losing all of you
To future plans and obligations
I guess that's what you do
When life's about your next vacation

You're so busy these days
Rearranging your place
Can you still find some space for yourself

You're so busy these days
Rearranging your face
Do you still see a trace of yourself

You think you haven't changed
You think you haven't changed

Mirror lyrics:

You think you haven't changed
You think you haven't changed

Do you still see a trace of yourself
Rearranging your face
You're so busy these days

Can you still find some space for yourself
Rearranging your place
You're so busy these days

When life's about your next vacation
I guess that's what you do
To future plans and obligations
I'm losing all of you

Do you still see a trace of yourself
Rearranging your face.
You're so busy these days

Everyone but me is going
But it seems like that's the way
I'd really like to think it's you
Is anyone to blame

You think you haven't changed
Can you still find some space for yourself
Rearranging your place
You're so busy these days

But it turned you into someone colder
You wanted to be safe
You think that you're just growing older
You think you haven't changed

Security is fundamental
You've finally reached that age
You think I'm being sentimental
You think you haven't changed

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