K's Choice
If This Isn't Right

I hear within the lies you hide
Your shifty eyes the way you won't come near me
I know you've tried and tried and tried
You somehow just don't really seem to need me

If this isn't right for you
Don't make me wait for you
Just tell me to go and I will go
Baby I won't be at your door
Begging you "please don't leave me be mine"
Stop wasting my time
If this isn't right for you

I liked the life I'd love to learn myself
I'm sure I'll do the way around you
Cause you're a lot of things but not so strong
If you don't think that I can live without you

If this isn't right for you
Don't make me wait for you
Just tell me to go and I will go
Baby I won't be at your door
Begging you "please don't leave me be mine"
Stop wasting my time

You can go now
Even if you're not so sure now
And I will help you close that door
I will be the one you should have waited for

If this isn't right for you
Don't make me wait for you
Just tell me to go and I will go
Baby I won't be at your door
Begging you "please don't leave me be mine"
Tell me to go and I will go
Baby I won't be at your door
Begging you "please don't leave me be mine"
Stop wasting my time
If this isn't right for you

Mirror lyrics:

If this isn't right for you
Stop wasting my time
Begging you "please don't leave me be mine"
Baby I won't be at your door
Tell me to go and I will go
Begging you "please don't leave me be mine"
Baby I won't be at your door
Just tell me to go and I will go
Don't make me wait for you
If this isn't right for you

I will be the one you should have waited for
And I will help you close that door
Even if you're not so sure now
You can go now

Stop wasting my time
Begging you "please don't leave me be mine"
Baby I won't be at your door
Just tell me to go and I will go
Don't make me wait for you
If this isn't right for you

If you don't think that I can live without you
Cause you're a lot of things but not so strong
I'm sure I'll do the way around you
I liked the life I'd love to learn myself

If this isn't right for you
Stop wasting my time
Begging you "please don't leave me be mine"
Baby I won't be at your door
Just tell me to go and I will go
Don't make me wait for you
If this isn't right for you

You somehow just don't really seem to need me
I know you've tried and tried and tried
Your shifty eyes the way you won't come near me
I hear within the lies you hide

Relevant Tags:
IIf TThis IIsn't RRight f his sn't ight fI hTis sIn't iRght jf fhis jsn't dight jIf fThis jIsn't dRight Ijf Tfhis Ijsn't Rdight
9f 5his 9sn't 4ight 9If 5This 9Isn't 4Right I9f T5his I9sn't R4ight lf hhis lsn't gight lIf hThis lIsn't gRight Ilf Thhis Ilsn't Rgight
of yhis osn't tight oIf yThis oIsn't tRight Iof Tyhis Iosn't Rtight kf 6his ksn't 5ight kIf 6This kIsn't 5Right Ikf T6his Iksn't R5ight
8f ghis 8sn't fight 8If gThis 8Isn't fRight I8f Tghis I8sn't Rfight uf rhis usn't eight uIf rThis uIsn't eRight Iuf Trhis Iusn't Reight
Iff Issn't Riight I Tis In't Rght If Tihs Ins't Rgiht Ic Tjis Izn't Rjght Icf Tjhis Izsn't Rjight Ifc Thjis Iszn't Rijght
Ir Tuis Iwn't R9ght Irf Tuhis Iwsn't R9ight Ifr Thuis Iswn't Ri9ght Ig Tnis Idn't Rlght Igf Tnhis Idsn't Rlight Ifg Thnis Isdn't Rilght
It Tbis Ien't Roght Itf Tbhis Iesn't Roight Ift Thbis Isen't Rioght Iv Tgis Ixn't Rkght Ivf Ixsn't Rkight Ifv Thgis Isxn't Rikght
Id Tyis Ian't R8ght Idf Iasn't R8ight Ifd Thyis Isan't Ri8ght Thiis Isnn't Rught Ths Is't Ruight Thsi Is'nt Riught
Thjs Ism't Rigght Ismn't Riht Thijs Isnm't Rihgt Th9s Ish't Rihht Th9is Ishn't Rihght Thi9s Isnh't Righht

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