K's Choice

Where freedom is no myth
Where you hold on to it
An eagle in a cage
That gets on with it's life
And somehow will survive
And it will rise and fall
Not unlike the sun


You worked hard to get on top
And there's nothing here to stop you
You show it on T.V.
Where everyone looks tall
A prom queen in the mall
How she'd kill to get it all
Don't we all?


Are you hated everywhere?
Do you know and do you care?
Well, I know you're getting there
The hope you have is real
The hope I hope to feel
One day we will share it all
And dive into the waterfall


The hope you have is real
The hope I hope to feel
One day we will share it all
And dive into the waterfall

(Take THAT Capitalism!)

Mirror lyrics:

(Take THAT Capitalism!)

And dive into the waterfall
One day we will share it all
The hope I hope to feel
The hope you have is real


And dive into the waterfall
One day we will share it all
The hope I hope to feel
The hope you have is real
Well, I know you're getting there
Do you know and do you care?
Are you hated everywhere?


Don't we all?
How she'd kill to get it all
A prom queen in the mall
Where everyone looks tall
You show it on T.V.
And there's nothing here to stop you
You worked hard to get on top


Not unlike the sun
And it will rise and fall
And somehow will survive
That gets on with it's life
An eagle in a cage
Where you hold on to it
Where freedom is no myth

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