Maria Haukaas Storeng
Nowhere Fast

Where are we now where do we go
What have we learnd what do we know
Look at the signs what do they say go left - right - now the other way
Check that map there's somethin' wrong
This can't be where we belong
When I'm with you I'm still alone the lights are on
- but nobody's home

Goin' round in circles we already found what we could find
They say you get wiser when you get older baby
but we ain't got the time

We're right back where we started from
We begin where we begun
Deja-vu - everyday
We rewind when we replay it
We're losing it -can't get a grip- no controllin' it
We-re goin' nowhere fast- goin'nowhere fast

I recognize this scenery you're still you and I'm still me
Ain't no difference nothin's changed
No matter how many times we rearrange

Before we can move forward we got to leave it all behind
But maby we're up against a mountain that we can't even climb

We're right back where we started from
We begin where we begun
Deja-vu - everyday
We rewind when we replay it
We're losing it -can't get a grip- no controllin' it
We're goin' nowhere fast- goin'nowhere fast

I'm goin' round in circles and it make me lose my mind
You get wiser when you get older baby but I ain't got the time
They say when you love somethin' you should set it free
But will it go in the right direction when you let it leave?

We're right back where we started from
We begin where we begun
Deja-vu - everyday
We rewind when we replay it
We're losing it -can't get a grip- no controllin' it
We-re goin' nowhere fast- goin'nowhere fast

Mirror lyrics:

We-re goin' nowhere fast- goin'nowhere fast
We're losing it -can't get a grip- no controllin' it
We rewind when we replay it
Deja-vu - everyday
We begin where we begun
We're right back where we started from

But will it go in the right direction when you let it leave?
They say when you love somethin' you should set it free
You get wiser when you get older baby but I ain't got the time
I'm goin' round in circles and it make me lose my mind

We're goin' nowhere fast- goin'nowhere fast
We're losing it -can't get a grip- no controllin' it
We rewind when we replay it
Deja-vu - everyday
We begin where we begun
We're right back where we started from

But maby we're up against a mountain that we can't even climb
Before we can move forward we got to leave it all behind

No matter how many times we rearrange
Ain't no difference nothin's changed
I recognize this scenery you're still you and I'm still me

We-re goin' nowhere fast- goin'nowhere fast
We're losing it -can't get a grip- no controllin' it
We rewind when we replay it
Deja-vu - everyday
We begin where we begun
We're right back where we started from

but we ain't got the time
They say you get wiser when you get older baby
Goin' round in circles we already found what we could find

- but nobody's home
When I'm with you I'm still alone the lights are on
This can't be where we belong
Check that map there's somethin' wrong
Look at the signs what do they say go left - right - now the other way
What have we learnd what do we know
Where are we now where do we go

Relevant Tags:
NNowhere FFast owhere ast oNwhere aFst mowhere cast mNowhere cFast Nmowhere Fcast howhere rast hNowhere rFast Nhowhere Frast
jowhere gast jNowhere gFast Njowhere Fgast bowhere tast bNowhere tFast Nbowhere Ftast Noowhere vast Nwhere vFast Nwohere Fvast
Nkwhere dast Nkowhere dFast Nokwhere Fdast N9where Faast N9owhere Fst No9where Fsat N0where Fzst N0owhere Fzast No0where Fazst
Nlwhere Fqst Nlowhere Fqast Nolwhere Faqst Niwhere Fsst Niowhere Fsast Noiwhere Fasst Nowwhere Fwst Nohere Fwast Nohwere Fawst
Noahere Fxst Noawhere Fxast Nowahere Faxst No3here No3where Fat Now3here Fats Nodhere Fazt Nodwhere Nowdhere Faszt
Noehere Fawt Noewhere Nowehere Faswt Noshere Fadt Noswhere Fadst Nowshere Fasdt No2here Faet No2where Faest Now2here Faset
Noqhere Faxt Noqwhere Nowqhere Fasxt Nowhhere Faat Nowere Nowehre Fasat Nowjere Fastt Nowjhere Fas Nowhjere Fast
Nowuere Fasf Nowuhere Fasft Nowhuere Fastf Nownere Fas5 Nownhere Fas5t Nowhnere Fast5 Nowbere Fash

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