Margot & The Nuclear So And So's
Talking In Code

I gotta go and you're talking in code
Saying I know where you've been
and i know where you go
but i've been tired from the minute i woke
and I stopped listening the moment you spoke
and said
i'm long gone
yeah... i'm long gone

And i'm sleeping alone..
in this house I don't own
cause if you're touring your mind
you'll get lost everytime
you'll sing me sad songs to keep me awake
in that bedroom that we hid away
Baby, I'm long gone.

And your voice cracks with the lack of piano you keep moving... where are you going?
Baby, we're long gone
Yeah, we're long gone

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, we're long gone
Baby, we're long gone
And your voice cracks with the lack of piano you keep moving... where are you going?

Baby, I'm long gone.
in that bedroom that we hid away
you'll sing me sad songs to keep me awake
you'll get lost everytime
cause if you're touring your mind
in this house I don't own
And i'm sleeping alone..

yeah... i'm long gone
i'm long gone
and said
and I stopped listening the moment you spoke
but i've been tired from the minute i woke
and i know where you go
Saying I know where you've been
I gotta go and you're talking in code

Relevant Tags:
TTalking IIn CCode alking n ode aTlking nI oCde falking jn fode fTalking jIn fCode Tfalking Ijn Cfode 5alking 9n xode
5Talking 9In xCode T5alking I9n Cxode halking ln vode hTalking lIn vCode Thalking Iln Cvode yalking on dode yTalking oIn dCode
Tyalking Ion Cdode 6alking kn Coode 6Talking kIn Cde T6alking Ikn Cdoe galking 8n Ckde gTalking 8In Ckode Tgalking I8n Cokde
ralking un C9de rTalking uIn C9ode Tralking Iun Co9de Taalking Inn C0de Tlking I C0ode Tlaking In Co0de Tzlking Im Clde
Tzalking Imn Clode Tazlking Inm Colde Tqlking Ih Cide Tqalking Ihn Ciode Taqlking Inh Coide Tslking Ij Codde Tsalking Coe
Taslking Inj Coed Twlking Ib Coxe Twalking Ibn Coxde Tawlking Inb Codxe Txlking Coee Txalking Coede Taxlking Codee
Tallking Cofe Taking Cofde Takling Codfe Takking Core Taklking Corde Talkking Codre Taoking Coce
Taolking Cocde Taloking Codce Tapking Cose Taplking Cosde Talpking Codse Taling Cod Talikng Code
Talling Cods Talkling Codes Taloing Cod3

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