Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band
Deja Voodoo

Needles in my heart
Spell on my mind
Your powerful potion gets me every time
I toss and turn
I can't sleep at night
Your kiss burns
Through my dreams

Here it comes again
I don't stand a chance
Soul possession
Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you-
Deja Voodoo
Deja Voodoo

Fire in the dark
Pounding on my brain
Driven by the chant
Calling out my name
I toss and turn
I can't sleep
Your kiss burns
Through my dreams

Here it comes again
I don't stand a chance
Soul possession
Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you-
Deja Voodoo
Deja Voodoo

Needles in my heart
Spell on my mind
Your powerful potion gets me every time
I toss and turn
I can't sleep at night
Your kiss burns
Through my dreams

Here it comes again
I don't stand a chance
Soul possession
Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you-
Deja Voodoo
Deja Voodoo

Mirror lyrics:

Deja Voodoo
Deja Voodoo
Pullin' me back to you-
Got me in a trance
Soul possession
I don't stand a chance
Here it comes again

Through my dreams
Your kiss burns
I can't sleep at night
I toss and turn
Your powerful potion gets me every time
Spell on my mind
Needles in my heart

Deja Voodoo
Deja Voodoo
Pullin' me back to you-
Got me in a trance
Soul possession
I don't stand a chance
Here it comes again

Through my dreams
Your kiss burns
I can't sleep
I toss and turn
Calling out my name
Driven by the chant
Pounding on my brain
Fire in the dark

Deja Voodoo
Deja Voodoo
Pullin' me back to you-
Got me in a trance
Soul possession
I don't stand a chance
Here it comes again

Through my dreams
Your kiss burns
I can't sleep at night
I toss and turn
Your powerful potion gets me every time
Spell on my mind
Needles in my heart

Relevant Tags:
DDeja VVoodoo eja oodoo eDja oVodoo xeja boodoo xDeja bVoodoo Dxeja Vboodoo eeja coodoo eDeja cVoodoo Deeja Vcoodoo feja goodoo
fDeja gVoodoo Dfeja Vgoodoo reja foodoo rDeja fVoodoo Dreja Vfoodoo ceja Vooodoo cDeja Vodoo Dceja Voodoo seja Vkodoo sDeja Vkoodoo
Dseja Vokodoo V9odoo Dja V9oodoo Djea Vo9odoo Dsja V0odoo V0oodoo Desja Vo0odoo D3ja Vlodoo D3eja Vloodoo De3ja Volodoo
Dfja Viodoo Vioodoo Defja Voiodoo Drja Derja Vodooo D4ja Vokdoo D4eja De4ja Vookdoo Ddja Vo9doo Ddeja
Dedja Voo9doo Dwja Vo0doo Dweja Dewja Voo0doo Dejja Voldoo

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