Kenny Rogers
What Are We Doin' In Love (with Dottie West)

Kenny Rogers & Dottie West

We're like summer and winter
We're not one bit alike
We're like satin and cinders
I'm definitely not your type

Well, then what are we doin' in love
What are we doin' in a mess like this
What are we doin' love

Why were you someone I couldn't resist

What are we doin' in love

Were like paper and matches

We'll probly have our share of fights

We're like roses and switches

It's gonna be hard bit we've got to try

So what are we doin' love
What are we doin' in a mess like this
What are we doin' love

And what are we gonna tell all our friends

You don't have to like someone
To love someone
That rule was made to be broken

But if we have to say goodbye
To a life we've gotten used to
What are we doin' love then

We're like sunup and sundown

People say we're never going to last

Like Uptown and downtown

You like it slow but I like it fast

What are we doin' love
What are we doin' in a mess like this
What are we doin' love

What are we gonna tell all our friends

What are we doin' love
What are we doin' in a mess like this
What are we doin' love

You were just someone I couldn't resist

So that's what we're doin' in love

Mirror lyrics:

So that's what we're doin' in love

You were just someone I couldn't resist

What are we doin' love
What are we doin' in a mess like this
What are we doin' love

What are we gonna tell all our friends

What are we doin' love
What are we doin' in a mess like this
What are we doin' love

You like it slow but I like it fast

Like Uptown and downtown

People say we're never going to last

We're like sunup and sundown

What are we doin' love then
To a life we've gotten used to
But if we have to say goodbye

That rule was made to be broken
To love someone
You don't have to like someone

And what are we gonna tell all our friends

What are we doin' love
What are we doin' in a mess like this
So what are we doin' love

It's gonna be hard bit we've got to try

We're like roses and switches

We'll probly have our share of fights

Were like paper and matches

What are we doin' in love

Why were you someone I couldn't resist

What are we doin' love
What are we doin' in a mess like this
Well, then what are we doin' in love

I'm definitely not your type
We're like satin and cinders
We're not one bit alike
We're like summer and winter

Kenny Rogers & Dottie West

Relevant Tags:
WWhat AAre WWe DDoin' IIn LLove ((with DDottie WWest) hat re e oin' n ove with ottie est) hWat rAe eW oDin' nI oLve w(ith oDttie eWst)
ahat zre ae xoin' jn kove (wwith xottie aest) aWhat zAre aWe xDoin' jIn kLove (ith xDottie aWest) Wahat Azre Wae Dxoin' Ijn Lkove (iwth Dxottie Waest)
3hat qre 3e eoin' 9n oove (aith eottie 3est) 3What qAre 3We eDoin' 9In oLove (awith eDottie 3West) W3hat Aqre W3e Deoin' I9n Loove (waith Deottie W3est)
dhat sre de foin' ln pove (3ith fottie dest) dWhat sAre dWe fDoin' lIn pLove (3with fDottie dWest) Wdhat Asre Wde Dfoin' Iln Lpove (w3ith Dfottie Wdest)
ehat wre ee roin' on (dith rottie eest) eWhat wAre eWe rDoin' oIn Lve (dwith rDottie eWest) Wehat Awre Wee Droin' Ion Lvoe (wdith Drottie Weest)
shat xre se coin' kn Lkve (eith cottie sest) sWhat xAre sWe cDoin' kIn (ewith cDottie sWest) Wshat Axre Wse Dcoin' Ikn Lokve (weith Dcottie Wsest)
2hat Arre 2e soin' 8n L9ve (sith sottie 2est) 2What Ae 2We sDoin' 8In L9ove (swith sDottie 2West) W2hat Aer W2e Dsoin' I8n Lo9ve (wsith Dsottie W2est)
qhat Ade qe Dooin' un L0ve (2ith Doottie qest) qWhat Adre qWe Din' uIn L0ove (2with Dttie qWest) Wqhat Arde Wqe Dion' Iun Lo0ve (w2ith Dtotie Wqest)
Whhat A4e Dkin' Inn Llve (qith Dkttie Wat A4re W Dkoin' I Llove (qwith Dkottie Wst) Waht Ar4e We Dokin' In Lolve (wqith Dokttie Wset)
Wjat Age Ws D9in' Im Live (wiith D9ttie Wsst) Wjhat Agre D9oin' Imn Liove (wth D9ottie Whjat Arge Wes Do9in' Inm Loive (wtih Do9ttie Wesst)
Wuat Ate W3 D0in' Ih Lovve (wjth D0ttie W3st) Wuhat Atre D0oin' Ihn Loe (wjith D0ottie Whuat Arte We3 Do0in' Inh Loev (wijth Do0ttie We3st)
Wnat A5e Wf Dlin' Ij Lobe (w9th Dlttie Wfst) Wnhat A5re Wfe Dloin' Lobve (w9ith Dlottie Wfest) Whnat Ar5e Wef Dolin' Inj Lovbe (wi9th Dolttie Wefst)
Wbat Afe Wr Diin' Ib Loce (wlth Dittie Wrst) Wbhat Afre Wre Dioin' Ibn Locve (wlith Diottie Wrest) Whbat Arfe Wer Doiin' Inb Lovce (wilth Doittie Werst)
Wgat Aee W4 Loge (woth Dotttie W4st) Wghat Aere W4e Don' Logve (woith Dotie W4est) Whgat Aree We4 Doni' Lovge (wioth Dottie We4st)
Wyat Wd Dojn' Lofe (wkth Doftie Wdst) Wyhat Ar Dojin' Lofve (wkith Dofttie Whyat Are Wed Doijn' Lovfe (wikth Dotftie Wedst)
Whaat Ars Ww Do9n' Lovee (w8th Do5tie Wwst) Wht Arse Wwe Lov (w8ith Do5ttie Wwest) Whta Ares Wew Doi9n' Love (wi8th Dot5tie Wewst)
Whzt Ar3 Doln' Lovs (wuth Dohtie Whzat Ar3e Lovse (wuith Dohttie Wet) Whazt Are3 Doiln' Loves (wiuth Dothtie Wets)
Whqt Arf Doon' Lov3 (witth Doytie Wezt) Whqat Lov3e (wih Doyttie Wezst) Whaqt Aref Doion' Love3 (wiht Dotytie Weszt)
Whst Arr Dokn' Lovf (wifh Do6tie Wewt) Whsat (wifth Do6ttie Whast Arer Doikn' Lovef (witfh Dot6tie Weswt)
Whwt Ar4 Do8n' Lovr (wi5h Dogtie Wedt) Whwat Do8in' Lovre (wi5th Dogttie Whawt Are4 Doi8n' Lover (wit5h Dotgtie Wesdt)
Whxt Ard Doun' Lov4 (wihh Dortie Weet) Whxat Douin' Lov4e (wihth Dorttie Whaxt Ared Doiun' Love4 (withh Dotrtie Weset)

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