Kenny Rogers
We Fell In Love Anyway

The moon wasn't shinning,
The stars weren't bright.
It was a rainy,
Late autumn night.

Just two old friends,
A little cafe
No false intentions,
To get in our way.

The wine wasn't flowing,
No candle light
I had no plans,
For you in my life.

There was no music,
No magic at play
But we fell in love

We fell in love,
In spite of the night,
So cold
And dark.

We fell in love,
The moment we touched.
I stole a kiss,
You stole my heart.

Who would believe it,
remembering how,
I didn't long to hold you
The way I do now.

I bless the heavens
each night I pray,
We fell in love

We fell in love

Mirror lyrics:

We fell in love

We fell in love
each night I pray,
I bless the heavens

The way I do now.
I didn't long to hold you
remembering how,
Who would believe it,

You stole my heart.
I stole a kiss,
The moment we touched.
We fell in love,

And dark.
So cold
In spite of the night,
We fell in love,

But we fell in love
No magic at play
There was no music,

For you in my life.
I had no plans,
No candle light
The wine wasn't flowing,

To get in our way.
No false intentions,
A little cafe
Just two old friends,

Late autumn night.
It was a rainy,
The stars weren't bright.
The moon wasn't shinning,

Relevant Tags:
WWe FFell IIn LLove AAnyway e ell n ove nyway eW eFll nI oLve nAyway ae cell jn kove znyway aWe cFell jIn kLove zAnyway Wae Fcell Ijn Lkove Aznyway
3e rell 9n oove qnyway 3We rFell 9In oLove qAnyway W3e Frell I9n Loove Aqnyway de gell ln pove snyway dWe gFell lIn pLove sAnyway Wde Fgell Iln Lpove Asnyway
ee tell on wnyway eWe tFell oIn Lve wAnyway Wee Ftell Ion Lvoe Awnyway se vell kn Lkve xnyway sWe vFell kIn xAnyway Wse Fvell Ikn Lokve Axnyway
2e dell 8n L9ve Annyway 2We dFell 8In L9ove Ayway W2e Fdell I8n Lo9ve Aynway qe Feell un L0ve Amyway qWe Fll uIn L0ove Amnyway Wqe Flel Iun Lo0ve Anmyway
Fsll Inn Llve Ahyway W Fsell I Llove Ahnyway We Fesll In Lolve Anhyway Ws F3ll Im Live Ajyway F3ell Imn Liove Ajnyway Wes Fe3ll Inm Loive Anjyway
W3 Ffll Ih Lovve Abyway Ffell Ihn Loe Abnyway We3 Fefll Inh Loev Anbyway Wf Frll Ij Lobe Anyyway Wfe Lobve Anway Wef Ferll Inj Lovbe Anwyay
Wr F4ll Ib Loce Angway Wre F4ell Ibn Locve Angyway Wer Fe4ll Inb Lovce Anygway W4 Fdll Loge Anhway W4e Logve We4 Fedll Lovge Anyhway
Wd Fwll Lofe An6way Fwell Lofve An6yway Wed Fewll Lovfe Any6way Ww Felll Lovee Anuway Wwe Fel Lov Anuyway Wew Fell Love Anyuway
Fekl Lovs An7way Fekll Lovse An7yway Felkl Loves Any7way Feol Lov3 Anjway Feoll Lov3e Felol Love3 Anyjway
Fepl Lovf Antway Fepll Antyway Felpl Lovef Anytway Lovr Anywway Lovre Anyay

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