Kenny Rogers
Son Of Hickory Holler's Tramp

The corn was dry, the weeds were high when Daddy took to drinkin'
Then him and Lucy Walker, they took up and run away
Mama cried a tear and then she promised fourteen children
I swear you'll never see a hungry day.

When mama sacrificed her pride the neighbours started talkin'
But I was much too young to understand a thing they said
The things that mattered most of all was Mama's chicken dumplin's
And a goodnight kiss before we went to bed.

Oh, the path was deep and wide from footsteps leading to our cabin
Above the door there burned a scarlet lamp
And late at night a hand would knock and there would stand a stranger
Yes, I'm the son of Hickory Holler's tramp.

When daddy left and destitution came upon our family
Not one neighbour volunteered to give a helpin' hand
So let 'em gossip all they want, she loved us and she raised us
The proof is standin' here, a full grown man.

Last summer Mama passed away and left the ones who loved her
Each and every one was more than grateful for their birth
Each Sunday she receives a fresh bouquet of fourteen roses
And a card that says The greatest Mom on earth.

Oh, the path was deep and wide from footsteps leading to our cabin
Above the door there burned a scarlet lamp
And late at night a hand would knock and there would stand a stranger
Yes, I'm the son of Hickory Holler's tramp.

Oh, the path was deep and wide from footsteps leading to our cabin
Above the door there burned a scarlet lamp
And late at night a hand would knock and there would stand a stranger
Yes, I'm the son of Hickory Holler's tramp.

Oh, the path was deep and wide from footsteps leading to our cabin
Above the door there burned a scarlet...

Mirror lyrics:

Above the door there burned a scarlet...
Oh, the path was deep and wide from footsteps leading to our cabin

Yes, I'm the son of Hickory Holler's tramp.
And late at night a hand would knock and there would stand a stranger
Above the door there burned a scarlet lamp
Oh, the path was deep and wide from footsteps leading to our cabin

Yes, I'm the son of Hickory Holler's tramp.
And late at night a hand would knock and there would stand a stranger
Above the door there burned a scarlet lamp
Oh, the path was deep and wide from footsteps leading to our cabin

And a card that says The greatest Mom on earth.
Each Sunday she receives a fresh bouquet of fourteen roses
Each and every one was more than grateful for their birth
Last summer Mama passed away and left the ones who loved her

The proof is standin' here, a full grown man.
So let 'em gossip all they want, she loved us and she raised us
Not one neighbour volunteered to give a helpin' hand
When daddy left and destitution came upon our family

Yes, I'm the son of Hickory Holler's tramp.
And late at night a hand would knock and there would stand a stranger
Above the door there burned a scarlet lamp
Oh, the path was deep and wide from footsteps leading to our cabin

And a goodnight kiss before we went to bed.
The things that mattered most of all was Mama's chicken dumplin's
But I was much too young to understand a thing they said
When mama sacrificed her pride the neighbours started talkin'

I swear you'll never see a hungry day.
Mama cried a tear and then she promised fourteen children
Then him and Lucy Walker, they took up and run away
The corn was dry, the weeds were high when Daddy took to drinkin'

Relevant Tags:
SSon OOf HHickory HHoller's TTramp on f ickory oller's ramp oSn fO iHckory oHller's rTamp zon kf jickory joller's framp zSon kOf jHickory jHoller's fTramp
Szon Okf Hjickory Hjoller's Tframp won 9f uickory uoller's 5ramp wSon 9Of uHickory uHoller's 5Tramp Swon O9f Huickory Huoller's T5ramp don 0f nickory noller's hramp
dSon 0Of nHickory nHoller's hTramp Sdon O0f Hnickory Hnoller's Thramp eon lf bickory boller's yramp eSon lOf bHickory bHoller's yTramp Seon Olf Hbickory Hboller's Tyramp
xon if gickory goller's 6ramp xSon iOf gHickory gHoller's 6Tramp Sxon Oif Hgickory Hgoller's T6ramp aon Off yickory yoller's gramp aSon O yHickory yHoller's gTramp
Saon Of Hyickory Hyoller's Tgramp Soon Oc Hiickory Hooller's rramp Sn Ocf Hckory Hller's rTramp Sno Ofc Hcikory Hloler's Trramp Skn Or Hjckory Hkller's
Skon Orf Hkoller's Tamp Sokn Ofr Hijckory Hokller's Tarmp S9n Og H9ckory H9ller's Tdamp S9on Ogf H9ickory H9oller's Tdramp So9n Ofg Hi9ckory Ho9ller's Trdamp
S0n Ot Hlckory H0ller's T4amp S0on Otf Hlickory H0oller's T4ramp So0n Oft Hilckory Ho0ller's Tr4amp Sln Ov Hockory Hlller's Tgamp Slon Ovf Hoickory Hloller's
Soln Ofv Hiockory Holller's Trgamp Sin Od Hkckory Hiller's Ttamp Sion Odf Hkickory Hioller's Ttramp Soin Ofd Hikckory Hoiller's Trtamp Sonn H8ckory T5amp
So H8ickory Holer's Son Hi8ckory Holler's Tr5amp Som Huckory Hokler's Tfamp Somn Sonm Hiuckory Holkler's Trfamp
Soh Hicckory Hooler's Teamp Sohn Hikory Teramp Sonh Hikcory Hololer's Treamp Soj Hifkory Hopler's Traamp Sojn Hifckory Hopller's Trmp
Sonj Hicfkory Holpler's Trmap Sob Hixkory Trzmp Sobn Hixckory Trzamp Sonb Hicxkory Holelr's Trazmp Hivkory Holker's Trqmp
Hivckory Trqamp Hicvkory Hollker's Traqmp Hidkory Holoer's Trsmp Hidckory Trsamp Hicdkory Holloer's Trasmp
Hickkory Holper's Trwmp Hicory Trwamp Hicokry Hollper's Trawmp Hiclory Holleer's Trxmp Hiclkory Hollr's Trxamp
Hicklory Hollre's Traxmp Hicoory Hollsr's Trammp Hicokory Hollser's Trap

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