Kenny Rogers
I Believe In Santa Claus

(Dolly Parton)

I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe there's always hope
When all seems lost
And I believe in Santa Claus.

I believe in Santa Claus
I'll tell you why I do
I believe that dreams and plans
And wishes can come true.

I believe in miracles
I believe in magic too
I believe in Santa Claus
And I believe in you.

I believe in family
In country and in smiles
I believe in turning negatives
To positives in life.

I believe in looking farther up
The farther down we get
I believe when someone hurts us
We should forgive and forget.

And I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe that love
Should prevail at any cost.
And I believe in Santa Claus

I believe in saying what you mean
And meaning what you say
I believe a better attitude
Can make a better way.

I believe in viewing life
As a journey that we're on
And looking at our troubles
As another stepping stone.

And I believe that everything
That it is what it's meant to be
I believe there is a God somewhere
Although he's hard to see.

I believe I am so therefore
I should do all that I can
To be a better piece
In the puzzle of God's plan.

And I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe there's always hope
When all seems lost.
I believe in Santa Claus.

Let the little children sing
(I believe in Santa Claus)
(I believe in Santa Claus)
(I believe in Santa Claus)
(I believe in Santa Claus)
Let the whole world to sing with us.

I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus
Let the whole world to sing with us.

I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe there's always hope
When all seems lost.

I believe in Santa Claus...

Mirror lyrics:

I believe in Santa Claus...

When all seems lost.
I believe there's always hope
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus

Let the whole world to sing with us.
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus

Let the whole world to sing with us.
(I believe in Santa Claus)
(I believe in Santa Claus)
(I believe in Santa Claus)
(I believe in Santa Claus)
Let the little children sing

I believe in Santa Claus.
When all seems lost.
I believe there's always hope
I believe in Santa Claus
And I believe in Santa Claus

In the puzzle of God's plan.
To be a better piece
I should do all that I can
I believe I am so therefore

Although he's hard to see.
I believe there is a God somewhere
That it is what it's meant to be
And I believe that everything

As another stepping stone.
And looking at our troubles
As a journey that we're on
I believe in viewing life

Can make a better way.
I believe a better attitude
And meaning what you say
I believe in saying what you mean

And I believe in Santa Claus
Should prevail at any cost.
I believe that love
I believe in Santa Claus
And I believe in Santa Claus

We should forgive and forget.
I believe when someone hurts us
The farther down we get
I believe in looking farther up

To positives in life.
I believe in turning negatives
In country and in smiles
I believe in family

And I believe in you.
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in magic too
I believe in miracles

And wishes can come true.
I believe that dreams and plans
I'll tell you why I do
I believe in Santa Claus

And I believe in Santa Claus.
When all seems lost
I believe there's always hope
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe in Santa Claus

(Dolly Parton)

Relevant Tags:
II BBelieve IIn SSanta CClaus elieve n anta laus I eBlieve nI aSnta lCaus j velieve jn zanta flaus jI vBelieve jIn zSanta fClaus Ij Bvelieve Ijn Szanta Cflaus
9 gelieve 9n wanta xlaus 9I gBelieve 9In wSanta xClaus I9 Bgelieve I9n Swanta Cxlaus l nelieve ln danta vlaus lI nBelieve lIn dSanta vClaus Il Bnelieve Iln Sdanta Cvlaus
o helieve on eanta dlaus oI hBelieve oIn eSanta dClaus Io Bhelieve Ion Seanta Cdlaus k Beelieve kn xanta Cllaus kI Blieve kIn xSanta Caus Ik Bleieve Ikn Sxanta Calus
8 Bslieve 8n aanta Ckaus 8I Bselieve 8In aSanta Cklaus I8 Beslieve I8n Saanta Clkaus u B3lieve un Coaus uI B3elieve uIn Snta Colaus Iu Be3lieve Iun Snata Cloaus
Bflieve Inn Sznta Cpaus Bfelieve I Cplaus Beflieve In Saznta Clpaus Brlieve Im Sqnta Claaus Brelieve Imn Sqanta Clus Berlieve Inm Saqnta Cluas
B4lieve Ih Ssnta Clzus B4elieve Ihn Ssanta Clzaus Be4lieve Inh Sasnta Clazus Bdlieve Ij Swnta Clqus Bdelieve Clqaus Bedlieve Inj Sawnta Claqus
Bwlieve Ib Sxnta Clsus Bwelieve Ibn Clsaus Bewlieve Inb Saxnta Clasus Bellieve Sannta Clwus Beieve Sata Clwaus Beileve Satna Clawus
Bekieve Samta Clxus Beklieve Samnta Clxaus Belkieve Sanmta Claxus Beoieve Sahta Clauus Beolieve Sahnta Clas Beloieve Sanhta Clasu
Bepieve Sajta Clahs Beplieve Sajnta Clahus Belpieve Sanjta Clauhs Beliieve Sabta Cla7s Beleve Sabnta Cla7us Beleive Sanbta Clau7s
Beljeve Santta Claks Beljieve Sana Clakus Belijeve Sanat Clauks Bel9eve Sanfa Clais Bel9ieve Sanfta Claius Beli9eve Santfa Clauis
Belleve San5a Cla8s San5ta Cla8us Belileve Sant5a Clau8s Beloeve Sanha Clajs Clajus Belioeve Santha Claujs
Belkeve Sanya Clays

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