Kenny Loggins
I Am Not Hiding

I was runnin' from paradise
Busy dancin' across thin ice
Then lookin' up
I thought somebody
Called my name
But I kept on walkin' on down
On my own way

I was livin' but not enough
Turnin' my face
From the face of love
Then lookin' up
I'm certain I saw your eyes
And I don't know how
And I don't know why
But I know I'm home

I am not hidin'
This time I'm decidin'
Now I'm showin' up
To give it all my love
I am not hiding
Oh I'm standin' here
Shoutin' out to Heaven
Runnin' no more

Freedom was overdue
I was starvin' for a dream
And the dream was you
Then lookin' up
Big love was pourin' down
And I don't know how
And I don't know why
But I know I'm home

I am not hidin'
This time I'm decidin'
Now I'm showin' up
To give it all my love
I am not hiding
Oh I'm standin' here
Shoutin' out to Heaven
Runnin' no more

The dream of love was more
Than I could have
I'd almost given it up
But darlin' now I'm back
I am here, you are real
This time I'm learnin' to feel
I have found paradise
Showin' up in your eyes

Shoutin' out to Heaven
Runnin' no more

This is all I know
No more sad goodbyes
Kiss it all hello
Showin' up for my life
This is all I know
No more sad goodbyes
Kiss it all hello
Showin' up for my life

Oh, love is what it's all about
You gotta go in to get out

For once in my life
I've found my home
Home in your arms, darlin'
All I know is that I'm finally home
Strong enough to see the truth
You gotta go in to get out

I am not hidin'
This time I'm decidin'
Now I'm showin' up
To give it all my love
I am not hidin'
Oh I'm standin' here
Shoutin' out to Heaven
Runnin' no more

I am not hidin'
This time I'm decidin'
Now I'm showin' up
To give it all my love
I am not hidin'
Oh I'm standin' here
Shoutin' out to Heaven
Runnin' no more

I am not hidin'
This time I'm decidin'
Now I'm showin' up
To give it all my love
I am not hidin'

Mirror lyrics:

I am not hidin'
To give it all my love
Now I'm showin' up
This time I'm decidin'
I am not hidin'

Runnin' no more
Shoutin' out to Heaven
Oh I'm standin' here
I am not hidin'
To give it all my love
Now I'm showin' up
This time I'm decidin'
I am not hidin'

Runnin' no more
Shoutin' out to Heaven
Oh I'm standin' here
I am not hidin'
To give it all my love
Now I'm showin' up
This time I'm decidin'
I am not hidin'

You gotta go in to get out
Strong enough to see the truth
All I know is that I'm finally home
Home in your arms, darlin'
I've found my home
For once in my life

You gotta go in to get out
Oh, love is what it's all about

Showin' up for my life
Kiss it all hello
No more sad goodbyes
This is all I know
Showin' up for my life
Kiss it all hello
No more sad goodbyes
This is all I know

Runnin' no more
Shoutin' out to Heaven

Showin' up in your eyes
I have found paradise
This time I'm learnin' to feel
I am here, you are real
But darlin' now I'm back
I'd almost given it up
Than I could have
The dream of love was more

Runnin' no more
Shoutin' out to Heaven
Oh I'm standin' here
I am not hiding
To give it all my love
Now I'm showin' up
This time I'm decidin'
I am not hidin'

But I know I'm home
And I don't know why
And I don't know how
Big love was pourin' down
Then lookin' up
And the dream was you
I was starvin' for a dream
Freedom was overdue

Runnin' no more
Shoutin' out to Heaven
Oh I'm standin' here
I am not hiding
To give it all my love
Now I'm showin' up
This time I'm decidin'
I am not hidin'

But I know I'm home
And I don't know why
And I don't know how
I'm certain I saw your eyes
Then lookin' up
From the face of love
Turnin' my face
I was livin' but not enough

On my own way
But I kept on walkin' on down
Called my name
I thought somebody
Then lookin' up
Busy dancin' across thin ice
I was runnin' from paradise

Relevant Tags:
II AAm NNot HHiding m ot iding I mA oNt iHding j zm mot jiding jI zAm mNot jHiding Ij Azm Nmot Hjiding 9 qm hot uiding
9I qAm hNot uHiding I9 Aqm Nhot Huiding l sm jot niding lI sAm jNot nHiding Il Asm Njot Hniding o wm bot biding oI wAm bNot bHiding
Io Awm Nbot Hbiding k xm Noot giding kI xAm Nt gHiding Ik Axm Nto Hgiding 8 Amm Nkt yiding 8I A Nkot yHiding I8 Am Nokt Hyiding
u Aj N9t Hiiding uI Ajm N9ot Hding Iu Amj No9t Hdiing Ak N0t Hjding Akm N0ot Amk No0t Hijding An Nlt H9ding
Anm Nlot H9iding Amn Nolt Hi9ding Nit Hlding Niot Hliding Noit Hilding Nott Hoding No Hoiding
Not Hioding Nof Hkding Noft Hkiding Notf Hikding No5 H8ding No5t H8iding Not5 Hi8ding
Noh Huding Noht Noth Hiuding Noy Hidding Noyt Hiing Noty Hiidng No6 Hixing
No6t Hixding Not6 Hidxing Nog Hieing Nogt Hieding Notg Hideing Nor Hifing Nort Hifding
Notr Hidfing Hiring Hirding Hidring Hicing

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