Kenny Chesney
Keg In The Closet

We had a dog named Bocephus living in the front yard
He liked sleeping out on top of the car
He drank beer out of a mason jar
And he'd climb up on everyone in bed.

A white frame house in a college town
A bunch of people always hanging around
No real problems we needed to drown
But we tried our best anyway.

We went to class just to pass the time
Back in '89.

We had a keg in the closet, pizza on the floor
Left over from the night before
Where we were going we didn't really care
We had all we ever wanted
In that keg in the closet.

This old guitar taught me how to score
Right there on that Lambda Chi porch
Mary Ann taught me a little more
About wantin' what you can't have.

Sweatshirts and flag football
Spring breaks down in Panama
For a while we had it all
We never dreamed it wouldn't last.

We went to class just to pass the time
Back in '89.

We had a keg in the closet, pizza on the floor
Left over from the night before
Where we were going we didn't really care
We had all we ever wanted
In that keg in the closet.

We all kind of went our separate ways
But I swear it seems like yesterday.

--- Instrumental ---

Keg in the closet, pizza on the floor
Left over from the night before
Where we were going we didn't really care
We had all we ever wanted
In that keg in the closet.

Ohh.., Ohh.., Ohh..., Ohhh...

Mirror lyrics:

Ohh.., Ohh.., Ohh..., Ohhh...

In that keg in the closet.
We had all we ever wanted
Where we were going we didn't really care
Left over from the night before
Keg in the closet, pizza on the floor

--- Instrumental ---

But I swear it seems like yesterday.
We all kind of went our separate ways

In that keg in the closet.
We had all we ever wanted
Where we were going we didn't really care
Left over from the night before
We had a keg in the closet, pizza on the floor

Back in '89.
We went to class just to pass the time

We never dreamed it wouldn't last.
For a while we had it all
Spring breaks down in Panama
Sweatshirts and flag football

About wantin' what you can't have.
Mary Ann taught me a little more
Right there on that Lambda Chi porch
This old guitar taught me how to score

In that keg in the closet.
We had all we ever wanted
Where we were going we didn't really care
Left over from the night before
We had a keg in the closet, pizza on the floor

Back in '89.
We went to class just to pass the time

But we tried our best anyway.
No real problems we needed to drown
A bunch of people always hanging around
A white frame house in a college town

And he'd climb up on everyone in bed.
He drank beer out of a mason jar
He liked sleeping out on top of the car
We had a dog named Bocephus living in the front yard

Relevant Tags:
KKeg IIn TThe CCloset eg n he loset eKg nI hTe lCoset leg jn fhe floset lKeg jIn fThe fCloset Kleg Ijn Tfhe Cfloset
oeg 9n 5he xloset oKeg 9In 5The xCloset Koeg I9n T5he Cxloset meg ln hhe vloset mKeg lIn hThe vCloset Kmeg Iln Thhe Cvloset
jeg on yhe dloset jKeg oIn yThe dCloset Kjeg Ion Tyhe Cdloset ieg kn 6he Clloset iKeg kIn 6The Coset Kieg Ikn T6he Colset
Keeg 8n ghe Ckoset Kg 8In gThe Ckloset Kge I8n Tghe Clkoset Ksg un rhe Cooset Kseg uIn rThe Coloset Kesg Iun Trhe Clooset
K3g Inn Cposet K3eg I Te Cploset Ke3g In Teh Clposet Kfg Im Tje Kfeg Imn Tjhe Clset Kefg Inm Thje Clsoet
Krg Ih Tue Clkset Kreg Ihn Tuhe Kerg Inh Thue Clokset K4g Ij Tne Cl9set K4eg Tnhe Cl9oset Ke4g Inj Thne Clo9set
Kdg Ib Tbe Cl0set Kdeg Ibn Tbhe Cl0oset Kedg Inb Thbe Clo0set Kwg Tge Cllset Kweg Kewg Thge Clolset
Kegg Tye Cliset Ke Clioset Keg Thye Cloiset Keh Thee Closset Kehg Th Cloet Kegh The Cloest
Key Ths Clozet Keyg Thse Clozset Kegy Thes Closzet Keb Th3 Clowet Kebg Th3e Clowset

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