Kenny Chesney
Beer In Mexico

Staring out into the wild blue yonder
So many thoughts to sit and ponder
About life and love and the lack of
And this emptiness in my heart
Too old to be wild and free
Still too young to be over the hill
Should try to grow up but who knows where to start.

So I'll just sit right here and have another beer in Mexico
Do my best to waste another day
Sit right here and have another beer in Mexico
Let the warm air melt these blues away.

Sun comes up and the sun sinks down
And I've seen them both in this tourist town
Up for days in a rage
Just tryin' to search my soul
For all the answers, and the reasons why
I'm at these crossroads in my life
And I really don't know which way to go.

So I'll just sit right here and have another beer in Mexico
Do my best to waste another day
Sit right here and have another beer in Mexico
Let the warm air melt these blues away.

Maybe I'll settle down
Get married or stay single and stay free
Which road I travel is still a mystery to me.

So I'll just sit right here and have another beer in Mexico
Do my best to waste another day
Sit right here and have another beer in Mexico
Let the warm air melt these blues away.

Down in Mexico...

Mirror lyrics:

Down in Mexico...

Let the warm air melt these blues away.
Sit right here and have another beer in Mexico
Do my best to waste another day
So I'll just sit right here and have another beer in Mexico

Which road I travel is still a mystery to me.
Get married or stay single and stay free
Maybe I'll settle down

Let the warm air melt these blues away.
Sit right here and have another beer in Mexico
Do my best to waste another day
So I'll just sit right here and have another beer in Mexico

And I really don't know which way to go.
I'm at these crossroads in my life
For all the answers, and the reasons why
Just tryin' to search my soul
Up for days in a rage
And I've seen them both in this tourist town
Sun comes up and the sun sinks down

Let the warm air melt these blues away.
Sit right here and have another beer in Mexico
Do my best to waste another day
So I'll just sit right here and have another beer in Mexico

Should try to grow up but who knows where to start.
Still too young to be over the hill
Too old to be wild and free
And this emptiness in my heart
About life and love and the lack of
So many thoughts to sit and ponder
Staring out into the wild blue yonder

Relevant Tags:
BBeer IIn MMexico eer n exico eBer nI eMxico veer jn jexico vBeer jIn jMexico Bveer Ijn Mjexico geer 9n kexico gBeer 9In kMexico
Bgeer I9n Mkexico neer ln nexico nBeer lIn nMexico Bneer Iln Mnexico heer on Meexico hBeer oIn Mxico Bheer Ion Mxeico Beeer kn Msxico
Ber kIn Msexico Beer Ikn Mesxico Bser 8n M3xico Bseer 8In M3exico Beser I8n Me3xico B3er un Mfxico B3eer uIn Mfexico Be3er Iun Mefxico
Bfer Inn Mrxico Bfeer I Mrexico Befer In Merxico Brer Im M4xico Breer Imn M4exico Berer Inm Me4xico B4er Ih Mdxico B4eer Ihn Mdexico
Be4er Inh Medxico Bder Ij Mwxico Bdeer Mwexico Beder Inj Mewxico Bwer Ib Mexxico Bweer Ibn Meico Bewer Inb Meixco Medico
Bere Mexdico Besr Mezico Mezxico Beesr Mexzico Be3r Mecico Mecxico Bee3r Mexcico Befr Mesico
Beefr Mexsico Berr Mexiico Mexco

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