Ken Jasynn
A Night To Forget

"A night to forget

a night to forget
when my world had
turned round and round
and I drove myself insane

I forgive what happened to me
I don't want to be cold all my life
you were there when I needed you
now I can thank you

I've had so much darkness surround me
now i'm lost and confused
with what I should do"
I wonder what if it's a night to forget,
I can't imagine myself going off my face
for a long time and not knowing what's going to happen

A night to forget
when my world had turned
round and round
and I drove myself insane
and forgot it all afterwards

Gotta get strong, gotta forget
the weekiness, gotta make you understand
that I am and you are you
and this story is forever

yeahh ohh yeah

A night to forget,

Wanna forgive and forget
wanna make things go right,
without the fright
gotta be brave,gotta make you see
that all I can be is me,

this is me and
I will be that forever
and I will never, end no matter what
You say

A night to forget,
when my world had
turned round and round
and I drove myself insane
I felt I'd completly, losted it
Oh yeah A night to forget..

gotta, get strong
gotta make you see
gotta live my life the way I want
gotta love it and learn by it
ohh yeah

A night to forget
when my world
had turned round and round
and you were still there
standing in the dark holding my hand

Gotta get strong,
Gotta make you see, that all i can be is me
and nobody can change the way I am,
it's a night to forget.

Mirror lyrics:

it's a night to forget.
and nobody can change the way I am,
Gotta make you see, that all i can be is me
Gotta get strong,

standing in the dark holding my hand
and you were still there
had turned round and round
when my world
A night to forget

ohh yeah
gotta love it and learn by it
gotta live my life the way I want
gotta make you see
gotta, get strong

Oh yeah A night to forget..
I felt I'd completly, losted it
and I drove myself insane
turned round and round
when my world had
A night to forget,

You say
and I will never, end no matter what
I will be that forever
this is me and

that all I can be is me,
gotta be brave,gotta make you see
without the fright
wanna make things go right,
Wanna forgive and forget

A night to forget,

yeahh ohh yeah

and this story is forever
that I am and you are you
the weekiness, gotta make you understand
Gotta get strong, gotta forget

and forgot it all afterwards
and I drove myself insane
round and round
when my world had turned
A night to forget

for a long time and not knowing what's going to happen
I can't imagine myself going off my face
I wonder what if it's a night to forget,
with what I should do"
now i'm lost and confused
I've had so much darkness surround me

now I can thank you
you were there when I needed you
I don't want to be cold all my life
I forgive what happened to me

and I drove myself insane
turned round and round
when my world had
a night to forget

"A night to forget

Relevant Tags:
AA NNight TTo FForget ight o orget A iNght oT oFrget z might fo corget zA mNight fTo cForget Az Nmight Tfo Fcorget
q hight 5o rorget qA hNight 5To rForget Aq Nhight T5o Frorget s jight ho gorget sA jNight hTo gForget As Njight Tho Fgorget
w bight yo torget wA bNight yTo tForget Aw Nbight Tyo Ftorget x Niight 6o vorget xA Nght 6To vForget Ax Ngiht T6o Fvorget
Njght go dorget gTo dForget Nijght Tgo Fdorget N9ght ro Foorget N9ight rTo Frget Ni9ght Tro Froget
Nlght Too Fkrget Nlight T Fkorget Nilght To Fokrget Noght Tk F9rget Noight Tko F9orget Nioght Tok Fo9rget
Nkght T9 F0rget Nkight T9o F0orget Nikght To9 Fo0rget N8ght T0 Flrget N8ight T0o Florget Ni8ght To0 Folrget
Nught Tl Firget Nuight Tlo Fiorget Niught Tol Foirget Nigght Ti Forrget Niht Tio Foget Nihgt Toi Fogret
Nihht Fodget Nihght Fodrget Nighht Fordget Niyht Fo4get Niyght Fo4rget Nigyht For4get
Nibht Fogget Nibght Fogrget Nigbht Forgget Nivht Fotget Nivght Fotrget Nigvht Fortget
Nifht Fo5get Nifght Fo5rget Nigfht For5get Nitht Fofget Nitght Fofrget Nigtht Forfget
Foeget Nigt Foerget Nigth Foreget

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