Kendra Smith
Get There

What do we do when we get there
Replies must at present be based
We kissed the flask and returned it
Fine silk to its hidden place
High above these heavens
Uncouth forms which none ever knew
Infinite shapes of creatures
Und sie fragen mir so wie heisst du ?

What do we do when we get there
Replies must at present be based
The villagers behave strangely
Storm accents her bloodless white face

Mirror lyrics:

Storm accents her bloodless white face
The villagers behave strangely
Replies must at present be based
What do we do when we get there

Und sie fragen mir so wie heisst du ?
Infinite shapes of creatures
Uncouth forms which none ever knew
High above these heavens
Fine silk to its hidden place
We kissed the flask and returned it
Replies must at present be based
What do we do when we get there

Relevant Tags:
GGet TThere et here eGt hTere het fhere hGet fThere Ghet Tfhere yet 5here yGet 5There Gyet T5here bet hhere bGet hThere
Gbet Thhere vet yhere vGet yThere Gvet Tyhere fet 6here fGet 6There Gfet T6here tet ghere tGet gThere Gtet Tghere Geet rhere
Gt rThere Gte Trhere Gst Gset Tere Gest Tehre G3t Tjere G3et Tjhere Ge3t Thjere Gft Tuere Tuhere Geft Thuere
Grt Tnere Gret Tnhere Gert Thnere G4t Tbere G4et Tbhere Ge4t Thbere Gdt Tgere Gdet Gedt Thgere Gwt Tyere Gwet
Gewt Thyere Gett Theere Ge Thre Get Three Gef Thsre Thsere Getf Thesre Ge5 Th3re

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