Kendra Smith

She steps over shadows the path by the castle
Gold earrings and hair and the moon
Dress like a sail it is billowing past her
She's gone down to the wishing well
Ships made of copper pennies and silver
Have sailed just like wishes away
The flowers that float past her face in the water
Will wither and soon fade away
Trees guard the moment when all is forgiven
Light burst of blinding within
The crickets are mute as she's floating past them
Aurelia is sailing away
She descends into Egypt in search of the treasure
The brilliance that once was her own

They clothed her in adamant which can crush iron
And took from her the bright robe
Straight to the serpent hard by his dwelling
She waits for his slumber to cease
Wearing their clothes lest they betray her
Because she has come from afar
Waiting in silence she senses the stranger
Who dwells in the midst of the sea
The visions inside her remind her of patterns
Writ on her heart long ago

Mirror lyrics:

Writ on her heart long ago
The visions inside her remind her of patterns
Who dwells in the midst of the sea
Waiting in silence she senses the stranger
Because she has come from afar
Wearing their clothes lest they betray her
She waits for his slumber to cease
Straight to the serpent hard by his dwelling
And took from her the bright robe
They clothed her in adamant which can crush iron

The brilliance that once was her own
She descends into Egypt in search of the treasure
Aurelia is sailing away
The crickets are mute as she's floating past them
Light burst of blinding within
Trees guard the moment when all is forgiven
Will wither and soon fade away
The flowers that float past her face in the water
Have sailed just like wishes away
Ships made of copper pennies and silver
She's gone down to the wishing well
Dress like a sail it is billowing past her
Gold earrings and hair and the moon
She steps over shadows the path by the castle

Relevant Tags:
AAurelia urelia uArelia zurelia zAurelia Azurelia qurelia qAurelia Aqurelia surelia sAurelia
Asurelia wurelia wAurelia Awurelia xurelia xAurelia Axurelia Auurelia Arelia Aruelia Ahrelia
Ahurelia Auhrelia A7relia A7urelia Au7relia Akrelia Akurelia Aukrelia Airelia Aiurelia Auirelia
A8relia A8urelia Au8relia Ajrelia Ajurelia Aujrelia Ayrelia Ayurelia Auyrelia Aurrelia Auelia
Auerlia Audelia Audrelia Aurdelia Au4elia Au4relia Aur4elia Augelia Augrelia Aurgelia Autelia
Autrelia Aurtelia Au5elia Au5relia Aur5elia Aufelia Aufrelia Aurfelia Aueelia Auerelia Aureelia

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