I'll Never Stop Loving You


They say in this world nothing lasts forever
But I don't believe that's true
Cause the way that I feel when we're together
I know thats the way, I'll always feel for you


From now until forever
That's how long I'll be true
I'll make you this vow
and promise you now
until forever, i'll never stop loving you


There'll come a day when the world stops turning
and stars will fall from the sky
but this feeling will last
when the sun stops burning
all i wanna do is love you
til the end of time


It's gonna take more than a lifetime
to give you all the love
all the love i feel for you tonight


From now until forever...(until fade out)

Mirror lyrics:

From now until forever...(until fade out)


all the love i feel for you tonight
to give you all the love
It's gonna take more than a lifetime


til the end of time
all i wanna do is love you
when the sun stops burning
but this feeling will last
and stars will fall from the sky
There'll come a day when the world stops turning


until forever, i'll never stop loving you
and promise you now
I'll make you this vow
That's how long I'll be true
From now until forever


I know thats the way, I'll always feel for you
Cause the way that I feel when we're together
But I don't believe that's true
They say in this world nothing lasts forever


Relevant Tags:
II'll NNever SStop LLoving YYou 'll ever top oving ou 'Ill eNver tSop oLving oYu j'll mever ztop koving gou jI'll mNever zStop kLoving gYou
Ij'll Nmever Sztop Lkoving Ygou 9'll hever wtop ooving hou 9I'll hNever wStop oLoving hYou I9'll Nhever Swtop Looving Yhou l'll jever dtop poving 6ou
lI'll jNever dStop pLoving 6You Il'll Njever Sdtop Lpoving Y6ou o'll bever etop uou oI'll bNever eStop Lving uYou Io'll Nbever Setop Lvoing Yuou
k'll Neever xtop Lkving 7ou kI'll Nver xStop 7You Ik'll Nveer Sxtop Lokving Y7ou 8'll Nsver atop L9ving jou 8I'll Nsever aStop L9oving jYou
I8'll Nesver Satop Lo9ving Yjou u'll N3ver Sttop L0ving tou uI'll N3ever Sop L0oving tYou Iu'll Ne3ver Sotp Lo0ving Ytou I''ll Nfver Sfop Llving Yoou
Ill Nfever Sftop Lloving Yu Il'l Nefver Stfop Lolving Yuo I'lll Nrver S5op Living Yku I'l Nrever S5top Lioving Ykou I'll Nerver St5op Loiving Yoku
I'kl N4ver Shop Lovving Y9u I'kll N4ever Shtop Loing Y9ou I'lkl Ne4ver Sthop Loivng Yo9u I'ol Ndver Syop Lobing Y0u I'oll Ndever Sytop Lobving Y0ou
I'lol Nedver Styop Lovbing Yo0u I'pl Nwver S6op Locing Ylu I'pll Nwever S6top Locving Ylou I'lpl Newver St6op Lovcing Yolu Nevver Sgop Loging Yiu
Neer Sgtop Logving Yiou Neevr Stgop Lovging Yoiu I'lk Neber Srop Lofing Youu Nebver Srtop Lofving Yo I'llk Nevber Strop Lovfing You
I'lo Necer Stoop Loviing Yoh Necver Stp Lovng Yohu I'llo Nevcer Stpo Lovnig Youh I'lp Neger Stkp Lovjng Yo7 Negver Stkop Lovjing Yo7u

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