Kenny Chesney
A Lot Of Things Different

I'd of spent a lot more time in the pouring rain
without an umbrella coverin my head
And I'd have stood up to that bully when he pushed
and called me names, but I was too afraid
And I'd have gone and saw Elvis that night he came to town
But momma said I couldn't
And I'd have went skinny dippin with Jenny Carson
that time she dared me to, but I didn't

O I, I'd done a lot of things different

I wish I'd have spent more time with my dad when he was alive
Now I don't have the chance
And I wish I had told my brother how much I love him
before he went off to war, But I just shook his hand
I wish I'd have gone to church on Sunday morning when my
grandma begged me to, But I was afraid of God.
And I wish I'd have listened when they said boy
you're gonna wish you hadn't, But I wouldn't

O I, I'd done a lot of things different

People say they wouldn't change a thing
Even if they could
O but I would

There was this red dress she wanted one time so bad she
could taste it I should of bought it, but I didn't
She wanted to paint our bedroom yellow and trim it in
blues and greens, But I wouldn't let her
Wouldn't have hurt nothin'
She loved to be held and kissed and touched
But I didn't do it not nearly enough
And if I'd of know that dance was gonna be our last dance
I'd of asked that band to play on and on, on and on

O I, I'd done a lot of things different

People say they wouldn't change a thing
Even if they could
O but I would
oo, oo
O I, I'd done a lot of things different
O I, I'd done a lot of things
I think we'd all do a lot of things different

Mirror lyrics:

I think we'd all do a lot of things different
O I, I'd done a lot of things
O I, I'd done a lot of things different
oo, oo
O but I would
Even if they could
People say they wouldn't change a thing

O I, I'd done a lot of things different

I'd of asked that band to play on and on, on and on
And if I'd of know that dance was gonna be our last dance
But I didn't do it not nearly enough
She loved to be held and kissed and touched
Wouldn't have hurt nothin'
blues and greens, But I wouldn't let her
She wanted to paint our bedroom yellow and trim it in
could taste it I should of bought it, but I didn't
There was this red dress she wanted one time so bad she

O but I would
Even if they could
People say they wouldn't change a thing

O I, I'd done a lot of things different

you're gonna wish you hadn't, But I wouldn't
And I wish I'd have listened when they said boy
grandma begged me to, But I was afraid of God.
I wish I'd have gone to church on Sunday morning when my
before he went off to war, But I just shook his hand
And I wish I had told my brother how much I love him
Now I don't have the chance
I wish I'd have spent more time with my dad when he was alive

O I, I'd done a lot of things different

that time she dared me to, but I didn't
And I'd have went skinny dippin with Jenny Carson
But momma said I couldn't
And I'd have gone and saw Elvis that night he came to town
and called me names, but I was too afraid
And I'd have stood up to that bully when he pushed
without an umbrella coverin my head
I'd of spent a lot more time in the pouring rain

Relevant Tags:
AA LLot OOf TThings DDifferent ot f hings ifferent A oLt fO hTings iDfferent z kot kf fhings xifferent zA kLot kOf fThings xDifferent
Az Lkot Okf Tfhings Dxifferent q oot 9f 5hings eifferent qA oLot 9Of 5Things eDifferent Aq Loot O9f T5hings Deifferent s pot 0f hhings fifferent
sA pLot 0Of hThings fDifferent As Lpot O0f Thhings Dfifferent w lf yhings rifferent wA Lt lOf yThings rDifferent Aw Lto Olf Tyhings Drifferent
x Lkt if 6hings cifferent xA iOf 6Things cDifferent Ax Lokt Oif T6hings Dcifferent L9t Off ghings sifferent L9ot O gThings sDifferent
Lo9t Of Tghings Dsifferent L0t Oc rhings Diifferent L0ot Ocf rThings Dfferent Lo0t Ofc Trhings Dfiferent Llt Or Djfferent
Llot Orf Tings Djifferent Lolt Ofr Tihngs Dijfferent Lit Og Tjings D9fferent Liot Ogf Tjhings D9ifferent Loit Ofg Thjings Di9fferent
Lott Ot Tuings Dlfferent Lo Otf Tuhings Dlifferent Lot Oft Thuings Dilfferent Lof Ov Tnings Dofferent Loft Ovf Tnhings Doifferent
Lotf Ofv Thnings Diofferent Lo5 Od Tbings Dkfferent Lo5t Odf Tbhings Dkifferent Lot5 Ofd Thbings Dikfferent Loh Tgings D8fferent
Loht D8ifferent Loth Thgings Di8fferent Loy Tyings Dufferent Loyt Duifferent Loty Thyings Diufferent
Lo6 Thiings Diffferent Lo6t Thngs Diferent Lot6 Thnigs Different Log Thjngs Dicferent Logt Dicfferent
Lotg Thijngs Difcferent Lor Th9ngs Dirferent Lort Th9ings Dirfferent Lotr Thi9ngs Difrferent Thlngs Digferent
Thlings Digfferent Thilngs Difgferent Thongs Ditferent Thoings Ditfferent Thiongs Diftferent
Thkngs Divferent Thkings Divfferent Thikngs Difvferent Th8ngs Didferent Th8ings Didfferent
Thi8ngs Difdferent Thungs Thiungs Difefrent Thinngs Difcerent Thigs
Thigns Diffcerent Thimgs Difrerent Thimngs Thinmgs Diffrerent Thihgs Difgerent
Thihngs Thinhgs Diffgerent Thijgs Difterent Thinjgs Diffterent Thibgs Difverent
Thibngs Thinbgs Diffverent Thinggs Difderent Thins Thinsg Diffderent
Thinhs Diffeerent

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