Kid British
Gonna Be Alright

I'm seeing my life go down the plug hole
I'm seeing it all go up in flames
I might as well throw it all out the window
Cos it's all about to change
Down and out I still hope someone can take away this pain
And it's a long road
And life feels like a thousand days of rain

Everything changes but it's gonna be alright
I'm gon work it out
Everything changes but it's gonna be alright
I'm gon work it
Everything changes but it's gonna be alright
I'm gon work it out
Might take ages but it's gonna be alright

Now their saying I can't cope
Quick to aim and point the blame
I'm gonna see how the story unfolds
How long can the lion inside stay tame
I'm ready to explode no longer a person without a name
A million and one thoughts ready to unload
It's all about to change

Things change look at you now
Do you remember when you couldn't get a shout
All the times your opinion didn't count
And now they can't keep your name out their mouth
And you would tell them you would work it out
And they'd reply get your head out the clouds
It only took a few changes
For new environments and new faces

Mirror lyrics:

For new environments and new faces
It only took a few changes
And they'd reply get your head out the clouds
And you would tell them you would work it out
And now they can't keep your name out their mouth
All the times your opinion didn't count
Do you remember when you couldn't get a shout
Things change look at you now

It's all about to change
A million and one thoughts ready to unload
I'm ready to explode no longer a person without a name
How long can the lion inside stay tame
I'm gonna see how the story unfolds
Quick to aim and point the blame
Now their saying I can't cope

Might take ages but it's gonna be alright
I'm gon work it out
Everything changes but it's gonna be alright
I'm gon work it
Everything changes but it's gonna be alright
I'm gon work it out
Everything changes but it's gonna be alright

And life feels like a thousand days of rain
And it's a long road
Down and out I still hope someone can take away this pain
Cos it's all about to change
I might as well throw it all out the window
I'm seeing it all go up in flames
I'm seeing my life go down the plug hole

Relevant Tags:
GGonna BBe AAlright onna e lright oGnna eB lAright honna ve zlright hGonna vBe zAlright Ghonna Bve Azlright yonna ge qlright
yGonna gBe qAlright Gyonna Bge Aqlright bonna ne slright bGonna nBe sAlright Gbonna Bne Aslright vonna he wlright vGonna hBe wAlright
Gvonna Bhe Awlright fonna Bee xlright fGonna B xAlright Gfonna Be Axlright tonna Bs Allright tGonna Bse Aright Gtonna Bes Arlight
Goonna B3 Akright Gnna B3e Aklright Gnona Be3 Alkright Gknna Bf Aoright Gkonna Bfe Aolright Goknna Bef Aloright G9nna Br Apright
G9onna Bre Aplright Go9nna Ber Alpright G0nna B4 Alrright G0onna B4e Alight Go0nna Be4 Alirght Glnna Bd Aldight Glonna Bde Aldright
Golnna Bed Alrdight Ginna Bw Al4ight Gionna Bwe Al4right Goinna Bew Alr4ight Gonnna Algight Gona Algright Gonna Alrgight
Gomna Altight Gomnna Altright Gonmna Alrtight Gohna Al5ight Gohnna Al5right Gonhna Alr5ight Gojna Alfight
Gojnna Alfright Gonjna Alrfight Gobna Aleight Gobnna Aleright Gonbna Alreight Alriight Alrght
Gonan Alrgiht Gonma Alrjght Alrjight Gonnma Alrijght Gonha Alr9ght Alr9ight Gonnha Alri9ght
Gonja Alrlght Alrlight Gonnja Alrilght Gonba Alroght Alroight Gonnba Alrioght

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