Not In My Name

Stands among the rest
Shadowed, empty
Cloud that hangs over her head
You're settling down

When the truth hurts
you're turning to walk away from it all
Not in my name
Can't stand the taste of you, embracing one

Watching you crawl out of your skin
Strings attached, unmasked
Testimony served by your black tongue
Settling down

When the truth hurts
you're turning to walk away from it all
Not in my name
Can't stand the taste of you, embracing one

Mirror lyrics:

Can't stand the taste of you, embracing one
Not in my name
you're turning to walk away from it all
When the truth hurts

Settling down
Testimony served by your black tongue
Strings attached, unmasked
Watching you crawl out of your skin

Can't stand the taste of you, embracing one
Not in my name
you're turning to walk away from it all
When the truth hurts

You're settling down
Cloud that hangs over her head
Shadowed, empty
Stands among the rest

Relevant Tags:
NNot IIn MMy NName ot n y ame oNt nI yM aNme mot jn jy mame mNot jIn jMy mName Nmot Ijn Mjy Nmame hot 9n ky hame hNot 9In kMy hName
Nhot I9n Mky Nhame jot ln ny jame jNot lIn nMy jName Njot Iln Mny Njame bot on Myy bame bNot oIn M bName Nbot Ion My Nbame Noot kn Mg Naame
Nt kIn Mgy Nme Nto Ikn Myg Nmae Nkt 8n Mh Nzme Nkot 8In Mhy Nzame Nokt I8n Myh Nazme N9t un M6 Nqme N9ot uIn M6y Nqame No9t Iun My6 Naqme
N0t Inn Mu Nsme N0ot I Muy Nsame No0t In Myu Nasme Nlt Im M7 Nwme Nlot Imn M7y Nwame Nolt Inm My7 Nawme Nit Ih Mj Nxme Niot Ihn Nxame
Noit Inh Myj Naxme Nott Ij Mt Namme No Mty Nae

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