Kid Courageous
Just A Thought

I'm watching you die
Looking from the outside
Wasted days
What will it take to stop?
One worthless life?
Was it not a big enough scare?

When the ones who care the most give up
You know that somethings wrong
Things have changed
And if somethings not quite right
It doesn't mean it's wrong
Open up your eyes

Cause second chances don't come that often
Turn the page and start again
Cause someday soon you'll regret
More than what's already been lost

And if I speak my mind
And it pushes you away
It's only because I care

Inches from life
Don't let there be a second time
Cause tomorrow may not come
Cause everybody loves you
Don't leave us in your shadows

Cause second chances don't come that often
Turn the page and start again
Cause someday soon you'll regret
More than what's already been lost


Cause tomorrow may not come


Mirror lyrics:


Cause tomorrow may not come


More than what's already been lost
Cause someday soon you'll regret
Turn the page and start again
Cause second chances don't come that often

Don't leave us in your shadows
Cause everybody loves you
Cause tomorrow may not come
Don't let there be a second time
Inches from life

It's only because I care
And it pushes you away
And if I speak my mind

More than what's already been lost
Cause someday soon you'll regret
Turn the page and start again
Cause second chances don't come that often

Open up your eyes
It doesn't mean it's wrong
And if somethings not quite right
Things have changed
You know that somethings wrong
When the ones who care the most give up

Was it not a big enough scare?
One worthless life?
What will it take to stop?
Wasted days
Looking from the outside
I'm watching you die

Relevant Tags:
JJust AA TThought ust hought uJst A hTought kust z fhought kJust zA fThought Jkust Az Tfhought iust q 5hought iJust qA 5Thought
Jiust Aq T5hought must s hhought mJust sA hThought Jmust As Thhought nust w yhought nJust wA yThought Jnust Aw Tyhought hust x 6hought
hJust xA 6Thought Jhust Ax T6hought uust ghought uJust gThought Juust Tghought rhought Jst rThought Jsut Trhought
Jhst Tought Juhst Tohught J7st Tjought J7ust Tjhought Ju7st Thjought Jkst Tuought Tuhought
Jukst Thuought Jist Tnought Tnhought Juist Thnought J8st Tbought J8ust Tbhought Ju8st Thbought Jjst Tgought
Jjust Jujst Thgought Jyst Tyought Jyust Juyst Thyought Jusst Thoought Jut Thught Juts Thuoght
Juzt Thkught Juzst Thkought Juszt Thokught Juwt Th9ught Juwst Th9ought Juswt Tho9ught Judt Th0ught Judst Th0ought
Jusdt Tho0ught Juet Thlught Juest Thlought Juset Tholught Juxt Thiught Juxst Thiought Jusxt Thoiught Juat Thouught
Juast Thoght Jusat Thoguht Justt Thohght Jus Thohught Just Thouhght Jusf Tho7ght

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