Jimmy Webb
Met Her On A Plane


I met her on a plane
I had forgotten I was made of glass
I watched the cars and crows and cities pass
You know, I watched the sun till I was blind
I tried to drive her from my mind
But I kept seeing her and I
Disappearing in the scenery
I was humming, humming inside
Mmm mmm humming, I was humming inside

She told me of her pain
She did not know that I was hearing her
She did not know that I was nearing her
You know the sun it did remain
And from the glaciers to the plain
Her eyes burned bluer than the skies
That still exist over Nevada
I was humming, humming inside
Mmm mmm humming, humming inside

Mirror lyrics:

Mmm mmm humming, humming inside
I was humming, humming inside
That still exist over Nevada
Her eyes burned bluer than the skies
And from the glaciers to the plain
You know the sun it did remain
She did not know that I was nearing her
She did not know that I was hearing her
She told me of her pain

Mmm mmm humming, I was humming inside
I was humming, humming inside
Disappearing in the scenery
But I kept seeing her and I
I tried to drive her from my mind
You know, I watched the sun till I was blind
I watched the cars and crows and cities pass
I had forgotten I was made of glass
I met her on a plane


Relevant Tags:
MMet HHer OOn AA PPlane et er n lane eMt eHr nO A lPane jet jer kn z 0lane jMet jHer kOn zA 0Plane Mjet Hjer Okn Az P0lane
ket uer 9n q llane kMet uHer 9On qA lPlane Mket Huer O9n Aq Pllane net ner 0n s olane nMet nHer 0On sA oPlane Mnet Hner O0n As Polane
Meet ber ln w Mt bHer lOn wA Pane Mte Hber Oln Aw Palne Mst ger in x Pkane Mset gHer iOn xA Pklane Mest Hger Oin Ax Plkane
M3t yer Onn Poane M3et yHer O Me3t Hyer On Ploane Mft Heer Om Ppane Mfet Hr Omn Pplane Meft Hre Onm Plpane
Mrt Hsr Oh Plaane Mret Hser Ohn Plne Mert Hesr Onh Plnae M4t H3r Oj Plzne M4et H3er Ojn Plzane Me4t He3r Onj Plazne
Mdt Hfr Ob Plqne Mdet Hfer Obn Plqane Medt Hefr Onb Plaqne Mwt Hrr Plsne Mwet Hrer Plsane Mewt Herr Plasne
Mett H4r Plwne Me H4er Plwane Met He4r Plawne Mef Hdr Plxne

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