Jimmy Eat World
Precision Auto (superchunk Cover)

Have you got a minute?
Can you fit me into it?
Have you got a minute?
Have you got a year?

Have you got a year?
Have you lost your sight?
Have you lost your strength
Just to prove your might?

Do not pass me just to slow down
I can move right through you
Do not pass me just to slow down
I have precision auto

I see you way too slow
I see you in slow motion
You've got muscles--use them

Do not hand me a chapter
Do not hand me a story
I will only lose them

Do not pass me just to slow down
I can move right through you
Do not pass me just to slow down
I have precision auto

Mirror lyrics:

I have precision auto
Do not pass me just to slow down
I can move right through you
Do not pass me just to slow down

I will only lose them
Do not hand me a story
Do not hand me a chapter

You've got muscles--use them
I see you in slow motion
I see you way too slow

I have precision auto
Do not pass me just to slow down
I can move right through you
Do not pass me just to slow down

Just to prove your might?
Have you lost your strength
Have you lost your sight?
Have you got a year?

Have you got a year?
Have you got a minute?
Can you fit me into it?
Have you got a minute?

Relevant Tags:
PPrecision AAuto ((superchunk CCover) recision uto superchunk over) rPecision uAto s(uperchunk oCver) 0recision zuto (ssuperchunk fover) 0Precision zAuto (uperchunk fCover)
P0recision Azuto (usperchunk Cfover) lrecision quto (zuperchunk xover) lPrecision qAuto (zsuperchunk xCover) Plrecision Aquto (szuperchunk Cxover) orecision suto (wuperchunk vover)
oPrecision sAuto (wsuperchunk vCover) Porecision Asuto (swuperchunk Cvover) Prrecision wuto (duperchunk dover) Pecision wAuto (dsuperchunk dCover) Percision Awuto (sduperchunk Cdover)
Pdecision xuto (euperchunk Coover) Pdrecision xAuto (esuperchunk Cver) Prdecision Axuto (seuperchunk Cvoer) P4ecision Auuto (xuperchunk Ckver) P4recision Ato (xsuperchunk Ckover)
Pr4ecision Atuo (sxuperchunk Cokver) Pgecision Ahto (auperchunk C9ver) Pgrecision Ahuto (asuperchunk C9over) Prgecision Auhto (sauperchunk Co9ver) Ptecision A7to (suuperchunk C0ver)
Ptrecision A7uto (sperchunk C0over) Prtecision Au7to (spuerchunk Co0ver) P5ecision Akto (shperchunk Clver) P5recision Akuto (shuperchunk Clover) Pr5ecision Aukto (suhperchunk Colver)
Pfecision Aito (s7perchunk Civer) Pfrecision Aiuto (s7uperchunk Ciover) Prfecision Auito (su7perchunk Coiver) Peecision A8to (skperchunk Covver) Perecision A8uto (skuperchunk Coer)
Preecision Au8to (sukperchunk Coevr) Ajto (siperchunk Cober) Prcision Ajuto (siuperchunk Cobver) Prceision Aujto (suiperchunk Covber) Prscision Ayto (s8perchunk Cocer)
Prsecision Ayuto (s8uperchunk Cocver) Prescision Auyto (su8perchunk Covcer) Pr3cision Autto (sjperchunk Coger) Pr3ecision Auo (sjuperchunk Cogver) Pre3cision Auot (sujperchunk Covger)
Prfcision Aufo (syperchunk Cofer) Aufto (syuperchunk Cofver) Prefcision Autfo (suyperchunk Covfer) Prrcision Au5o (supperchunk Coveer) Au5to (suerchunk Covr)
Prercision Aut5o (sueprchunk Covre) Pr4cision Auho (su0erchunk Covsr) (su0perchunk Covser) Pre4cision Autho (sup0erchunk Covesr) Prdcision Auyo (sulerchunk Cov3r)
(sulperchunk Cov3er) Predcision Autyo (suplerchunk Cove3r) Prwcision Au6o (suoerchunk Covfr) Prwecision Au6to (suoperchunk Prewcision Aut6o (supoerchunk Covefr)
Preccision Augo (supeerchunk Covrr) Preision Augto (suprchunk Covrer) Preicsion Autgo (suprechunk Coverr) Prefision Auro (supsrchunk Cov4r) Aurto (supserchunk Cov4er)
Precfision Autro (supesrchunk Cove4r) Prexision Autoo (sup3rchunk Covdr) Prexcision Aut (sup3erchunk Covder) Precxision Auto (supe3rchunk Covedr) Prevision Autk (supfrchunk Covwr)
Prevcision Autko (supferchunk Covwer) Precvision Autok (supefrchunk Covewr) Predision Aut9 (suprrchunk Aut9o (suprerchunk Cove) Precdision Auto9 (superrchunk Cove)r
Preciision Aut0 (sup4rchunk Coved) Precsion Aut0o (sup4erchunk Precsiion Auto0 (supe4rchunk Coverd) Precjsion Autl (supdrchunk Cove4) Precjision Autlo (supderchunk
Precijsion Autol (supedrchunk Cover4) Prec9sion Auti (supwrchunk Coveg) Prec9ision Autio (supwerchunk Covegr) Preci9sion Autoi (supewrchunk Coverg) Preclsion Covet)
Preclision (supechunk Covetr) Precilsion (supecrhunk Covert) Precosion (supedchunk Cove5) Precoision Cove5r) Preciosion (superdchunk Cover5)
Precksion (supe4chunk Covef) Preckision Preciksion (super4chunk Coverf)

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