Jimmy Dean
Most Richtly Blessed

(Archie Campbell - Luther Brandon)

Sometimes I wonder when things go so wrong
Has God forsaken and left me alone
Then I remember through trials of distress
He's always with me I'm most richtly blessed.

I asked for strenght that I might achieve
I was given weakness that I might learn humbly to obey
I asked for health that I might do great things
I was given informity that I might do better things.

I asked for riches that I might be happy
I was given powerty that I might be wise
I asked for power that I might have the praise of men
I was made weak that I might feel the need of God.

I asked for all things that I might enjoy life
I was given life that I might enjoy all things
I got nothing that I asked for but everything that I hoped for
And almost despite myself I among men am most richtly blessed.

He's always with me I am most richtly blessed...

Mirror lyrics:

He's always with me I am most richtly blessed...

And almost despite myself I among men am most richtly blessed.
I got nothing that I asked for but everything that I hoped for
I was given life that I might enjoy all things
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life

I was made weak that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for power that I might have the praise of men
I was given powerty that I might be wise
I asked for riches that I might be happy

I was given informity that I might do better things.
I asked for health that I might do great things
I was given weakness that I might learn humbly to obey
I asked for strenght that I might achieve

He's always with me I'm most richtly blessed.
Then I remember through trials of distress
Has God forsaken and left me alone
Sometimes I wonder when things go so wrong

(Archie Campbell - Luther Brandon)

Relevant Tags:
MMost RRichtly BBlessed ost ichtly lessed oMst iRchtly lBessed jost dichtly vlessed jMost dRichtly vBlessed Mjost Rdichtly Bvlessed
kost 4ichtly glessed kMost 4Richtly gBlessed Mkost R4ichtly Bglessed nost gichtly nlessed nMost gRichtly nBlessed Mnost Rgichtly Bnlessed
Moost tichtly hlessed Mst tRichtly hBlessed Msot Rtichtly Bhlessed Mkst 5ichtly Bllessed 5Richtly Bessed Mokst R5ichtly Belssed
M9st fichtly Bkessed M9ost fRichtly Bklessed Mo9st Rfichtly Blkessed M0st eichtly Boessed M0ost eRichtly Bolessed Mo0st Reichtly Bloessed
Mlst Riichtly Bpessed Mlost Rchtly Bplessed Molst Rcihtly Blpessed Mist Rjchtly Bleessed Miost Rjichtly Blssed Moist Rijchtly Blsesed
Mosst R9chtly Blsssed Mot R9ichtly Blsessed Mots Ri9chtly Blesssed Mozt Rlchtly Bl3ssed Mozst Rlichtly Bl3essed Moszt Rilchtly Ble3ssed
Mowt Rochtly Blfssed Mowst Roichtly Blfessed Moswt Riochtly Blefssed Modt Rkchtly Blrssed Modst Rkichtly Blressed Mosdt Rikchtly Blerssed
Moet R8chtly Bl4ssed Moest R8ichtly Bl4essed Moset Ri8chtly Ble4ssed Moxt Ruchtly Bldssed Moxst Ruichtly Bldessed Mosxt Riuchtly Bledssed
Moat Ricchtly Blwssed Moast Rihtly Blwessed Mosat Rihctly Blewssed Mostt Rifhtly Mos Rifchtly Blesed Most Ricfhtly Blessed
Mosf Rixhtly Blezsed Mosft Rixchtly Blezssed Mostf Ricxhtly Bleszsed Mos5 Rivhtly Blewsed Mos5t Rivchtly Most5 Ricvhtly Bleswsed
Mosh Ridhtly Bledsed Mosht Ridchtly Mosth Ricdhtly Blesdsed Mosy Richhtly Bleesed Mosyt Rictly Mosty Ricthly Blesesed
Mos6 Ricjtly Blexsed Mos6t Ricjhtly Blexssed Most6 Richjtly Blesxsed Mosg Ricutly Bleased Mosgt Ricuhtly Bleassed

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