Jimmy Castor
It's Just Begun

Watch me now
Feel the groove
Into something
Gonna make you move

Here we come
On the run
Don't know what we're running from

Day or night
Black or white
Dance or sing
You gotta do your thing

Peace will come
This world will rest
Once we have togetherness

Day or night
We had fun
But it's just begun
It's just begun
It's just begun

It's just begun (x 28)

Mirror lyrics:

It's just begun (x 28)

It's just begun
It's just begun
But it's just begun
We had fun
Day or night

Once we have togetherness
This world will rest
Peace will come

You gotta do your thing
Dance or sing
Black or white
Day or night

Don't know what we're running from
On the run
Here we come

Gonna make you move
Into something
Feel the groove
Watch me now

Relevant Tags:
IIt's JJust BBegun t's ust egun tI's uJst eBgun jt's kust vegun jIt's kJust vBegun Ijt's Jkust Bvegun 9t's iust gegun
9It's iJust gBegun I9t's Jiust Bgegun lt's must negun lIt's mJust nBegun Ilt's Jmust Bnegun ot's nust hegun oIt's nJust hBegun
Iot's Jnust Bhegun kt's hust Beegun kIt's hJust Bgun Ikt's Jhust Bgeun 8t's uust Bsgun 8It's uJust Bsegun I8t's Juust Besgun
ut's B3gun uIt's Jst B3egun Iut's Jsut Be3gun Itt's Jhst Bfgun I's Bfegun I'ts Juhst Befgun If's J7st Brgun
Ift's J7ust Bregun Itf's Ju7st Bergun I5's Jkst B4gun I5t's B4egun It5's Jukst Be4gun Ih's Jist Bdgun Iht's Bdegun
Ith's Juist Bedgun Iy's J8st Bwgun Iyt's J8ust Bwegun Ity's Ju8st Bewgun I6's Jjst Beggun I6t's Jjust Beun It6's Jujst Beugn
Ig's Jyst Behun Igt's Jyust Behgun Itg's Juyst Beghun Ir's Jusst Beyun Irt's Jut Beygun

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