Kind Of Like Spitting
You Got Served

Running home on broken legs,
We turned it out, I'm heading south
Would you go with me if I begged?

But you're sixteen, you live alone
You got your debt, you could care less
And I could dream but I could never take you home

I came back when you got angry
I ran fast when you got clean
Your friends all solved your problems
Paid your debts with all my things

Friends all got burned out on the scene
I ask you how you've got it figured out
Now that you're older now by a couple weeks
I feel older when I wake up every morning
I feel angrier
I feel uglier
Than you'll ever be

I came back when you got angry
I ran fast when you got clean
Your friends all solved your problems
Paid your debts with all my dreams
I'm glad that you got older
And I'm glad you learned some things
But when I fall in debt 'cause of the things you've said
Will you carry me?
Will you Carrie?

Mirror lyrics:

Will you Carrie?
Will you carry me?
But when I fall in debt 'cause of the things you've said
And I'm glad you learned some things
I'm glad that you got older
Paid your debts with all my dreams
Your friends all solved your problems
I ran fast when you got clean
I came back when you got angry

Than you'll ever be
I feel uglier
I feel angrier
I feel older when I wake up every morning
Now that you're older now by a couple weeks
I ask you how you've got it figured out
Friends all got burned out on the scene

Paid your debts with all my things
Your friends all solved your problems
I ran fast when you got clean
I came back when you got angry

And I could dream but I could never take you home
You got your debt, you could care less
But you're sixteen, you live alone

Would you go with me if I begged?
We turned it out, I'm heading south
Running home on broken legs,

Relevant Tags:
YYou GGot SServed ou ot erved oYu oGt eSrved gou hot zerved gYou hGot zServed Ygou Ghot Szerved hou yot werved hYou yGot wServed
Yhou Gyot Swerved 6ou bot derved 6You bGot dServed Y6ou Gbot Sderved uou vot eerved uYou vGot eServed Yuou Gvot Seerved 7ou fot xerved
7You fGot xServed Y7ou Gfot Sxerved jou tot aerved jYou tGot aServed Yjou Gtot Saerved tou Goot tYou Gt Srved Ytou Gto Sreved
Yoou Gkt Ssrved Yu Gkot Sserved Yuo Gokt Sesrved Yku G9t S3rved Ykou G9ot S3erved Yoku Go9t Se3rved Y9u G0t Sfrved Y9ou G0ot Sferved
Yo9u Go0t Sefrved Y0u Glt Srrved Y0ou Glot Srerved Yo0u Golt Serrved Ylu Git S4rved Ylou Giot S4erved Yolu Goit Se4rved Yiu Gott Sdrved
Yiou Go Yoiu Got Sedrved Youu Gof Swrved Yo Goft You Gotf Sewrved Yoh Go5 Yohu Go5t Seved Youh Got5 Sevred
Yo7 Goh Sedved Yo7u Goht You7 Goth Serdved Yok Goy Se4ved Goyt Youk Goty Ser4ved Yoi Go6 Segved Go6t Segrved
Youi Got6 Sergved

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