Jim Reeves
The World You Left Behind

(Alex Zanetis)

I try to sleep to kill the pain
When I wake it's still the same
'Cause I'm living in
This world you left behind.

Just like a broken piece of glass
You have swept me aside to pass
Leaving shattered dreams
With a lonely heart and mind.

Well, here I go again
(Here I go again)
It's just like yesterday
(Just like yesterday
The pain is deep within
My heart to stay.

I'm just a fool to sit and cry
Wasting years before I die
In this lonely world
This world you left behind.

--- Instrumental ---

Well, here I go again
(Here I go again)
It's just like yesterday
(Just like yesterday)
The pain is deep within
My heart to stay.

I'm just a fool to sit and cry
Wasting years before I die
In this lonely world
This world you left behind...

Mirror lyrics:

This world you left behind...
In this lonely world
Wasting years before I die
I'm just a fool to sit and cry

My heart to stay.
The pain is deep within
(Just like yesterday)
It's just like yesterday
(Here I go again)
Well, here I go again

--- Instrumental ---

This world you left behind.
In this lonely world
Wasting years before I die
I'm just a fool to sit and cry

My heart to stay.
The pain is deep within
(Just like yesterday
It's just like yesterday
(Here I go again)
Well, here I go again

With a lonely heart and mind.
Leaving shattered dreams
You have swept me aside to pass
Just like a broken piece of glass

This world you left behind.
'Cause I'm living in
When I wake it's still the same
I try to sleep to kill the pain

(Alex Zanetis)

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWorld YYou LLeft BBehind he orld ou eft ehind hTe oWrld oYu eLft eBhind fhe aorld gou keft vehind fThe aWorld gYou kLeft vBehind
Tfhe Waorld Ygou Lkeft Bvehind 5he 3orld hou oeft gehind 5The 3World hYou oLeft gBehind T5he W3orld Yhou Loeft Bgehind hhe dorld 6ou peft nehind
hThe dWorld 6You pLeft nBehind Thhe Wdorld Y6ou Lpeft Bnehind yhe eorld uou Leeft hehind yThe eWorld uYou Lft hBehind Tyhe Weorld Yuou Lfet Bhehind
6he sorld 7ou Lsft Beehind 6The sWorld 7You Lseft Bhind T6he Wsorld Y7ou Lesft Bheind ghe 2orld jou L3ft Bshind gThe 2World jYou L3eft Bsehind
Tghe W2orld Yjou Le3ft Beshind rhe qorld tou Lfft B3hind rThe qWorld tYou Lfeft B3ehind Trhe Wqorld Ytou Lefft Be3hind Woorld Yoou Lrft Bfhind
Te Wrld Yu Lreft Bfehind Teh Wrold Yuo Lerft Befhind Tje Wkrld Yku L4ft Brhind Tjhe Wkorld Ykou L4eft Brehind Thje Wokrld Yoku Le4ft Berhind
Tue W9rld Y9u Ldft B4hind Tuhe W9orld Y9ou Ldeft B4ehind Thue Wo9rld Yo9u Ledft Be4hind Tne W0rld Y0u Lwft Bdhind Tnhe W0orld Y0ou Lweft Bdehind
Thne Wo0rld Yo0u Lewft Bedhind Tbe Wlrld Ylu Bwhind Tbhe Wlorld Ylou Let Bwehind Thbe Wolrld Yolu Letf Bewhind Tge Wirld Yiu Lect Behhind
Wiorld Yiou Lecft Beind Thge Woirld Yoiu Lefct Beihnd Tye Worrld Youu Lert Bejind Wold Yo Bejhind Thye Wolrd You Lefrt Behjind
Thee Wodld Yoh Legt Beuind Th Wodrld Yohu Legft Beuhind The Wordld Youh Lefgt Behuind Ths Wo4ld Yo7 Lett Benind Thse Wo4rld Yo7u Letft Benhind
Thes Wor4ld You7 Leftt Behnind Th3 Wogld Yok Levt Bebind Th3e Wogrld Levft Bebhind The3 Worgld Youk Lefvt Behbind Thf Wotld Yoi Ledt Begind
Thfe Wotrld Beghind Thef Wortld Youi Lefdt Behgind Thr Wo5ld Yo8 Beyind Thre Wo5rld Yo8u Lef Beyhind

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