Jim Reeves
Oh What It Seemed To Be

It was just a neighborhood dance, that's all that it was
But oh, what it seemed to be
It was like a mascuarade ball with costumes and all
'Cause you were at the dance with me.

It was just a ride on a train, that's all that it was
But oh, what it seemed to be
It was like a trip to the stars, to Venus and Mars
'Cause you were on the train with me.

And when I kissed you, darling
It was more than just a thrill for me
It was the promise, darling
Of all the things that fate had willed for me.

It was just a wedding in June, that's all that it was
But oh, what it seemed to be
It was like a royal affair with everyone there
'Cause you said, yes I do to me.

--- Instrumental ---

It was just a wedding in June, that's all that it was
But oh, what it seemed to be
It was like a royal affair with everyone there
'Cause you said, yes I do to me...

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause you said, yes I do to me...
It was like a royal affair with everyone there
But oh, what it seemed to be
It was just a wedding in June, that's all that it was

--- Instrumental ---

'Cause you said, yes I do to me.
It was like a royal affair with everyone there
But oh, what it seemed to be
It was just a wedding in June, that's all that it was

Of all the things that fate had willed for me.
It was the promise, darling
It was more than just a thrill for me
And when I kissed you, darling

'Cause you were on the train with me.
It was like a trip to the stars, to Venus and Mars
But oh, what it seemed to be
It was just a ride on a train, that's all that it was

'Cause you were at the dance with me.
It was like a mascuarade ball with costumes and all
But oh, what it seemed to be
It was just a neighborhood dance, that's all that it was

Relevant Tags:
OOh WWhat IIt SSeemed TTo BBe h hat t eemed o e hO hWat tI eSemed oT eB kh ahat jt zeemed fo ve kOh aWhat jIt zSeemed fTo vBe Okh Wahat Ijt Szeemed Tfo Bve
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Ohh 2hat 8t aeemed go Bs O 2What 8It aSeemed gTo Bse Oh W2hat I8t Saeemed Tgo Bes Oj qhat ut ro B3 Ojh qWhat uIt Semed rTo B3e Ohj Wqhat Iut Seemed Tro Be3
Ou Whhat Itt Ssemed Too Bf Ouh Wat I Sseemed T Bfe Ohu Waht It Sesemed To Bef On Wjat If S3emed Tk Br Onh Wjhat Ift S3eemed Tko Bre Ohn Whjat Itf Se3emed Tok Ber
Ob Wuat I5 Sfemed T9 B4 Obh Wuhat I5t Sfeemed T9o B4e Ohb Whuat It5 Sefemed To9 Be4 Og Wnat Ih Sremed T0 Bd Ogh Wnhat Iht Sreemed T0o Bde Ohg Whnat Ith Seremed To0 Bed
Oy Wbat Iy S4emed Tl Bw Oyh Wbhat Iyt S4eemed Tlo Bwe Ohy Whbat Ity Se4emed Tol Bew Wgat I6 Sdemed Ti Wghat I6t Tio Whgat It6 Sedemed Toi
Wyat Ig Swemed Wyhat Igt Whyat Itg Sewemed Whaat Ir Wht Irt Whta Itr Semeed
Whzt Sesmed Whzat Whazt Seesmed Whqt Se3med Whqat Whaqt See3med

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