Summer Dies

Summer dies
Winter takes its place
It chills inside
A cold sedated slumber
I have cried
For this thankless life
These tears turn ice I
have been forsaken

Through the lies I can see the truth
When all warmth dies
Cold becomes familiar
I have waited for this day

Winter's warning comes
Another summer dies but she'll be back again
To save me from this endless night
I have cried enough
Another summer dies but there'll be light again
To save me from this endless
Save me from

Down this path
Out of existence
Its winter's wrath
That I fear the most
Shades of green
Through the ice and snow
Let me know I have been forgiven

I have waited for this day
Summer dies
Winter takes its place
It chills inside
Cold sedated slumber so end this night

Winter's warning comes
Another summer dies but she'll be back again
To save me from this endless night
I have cried enough
Another summer dies but there'll be light again
To save me from this endless
Save me from

Winter's warning comes
Another summer dies but she'll be back again
To save me from this endless night
I have cried enough
Another summer dies but there'll be light again
To save me from this endless
Save me from this endless

Winter's warning comes
Another summer dies but she'll be back again
To save me from this endless night
I have cried enough
Another summer dies but there'll be light again
To save me from this endless
Save me from

Mirror lyrics:

Save me from
To save me from this endless
Another summer dies but there'll be light again
I have cried enough
To save me from this endless night
Another summer dies but she'll be back again
Winter's warning comes

Save me from this endless
To save me from this endless
Another summer dies but there'll be light again
I have cried enough
To save me from this endless night
Another summer dies but she'll be back again
Winter's warning comes

Save me from
To save me from this endless
Another summer dies but there'll be light again
I have cried enough
To save me from this endless night
Another summer dies but she'll be back again
Winter's warning comes

Cold sedated slumber so end this night
It chills inside
Winter takes its place
Summer dies
I have waited for this day

Let me know I have been forgiven
Through the ice and snow
Shades of green
That I fear the most
Its winter's wrath
Out of existence
Down this path

Save me from
To save me from this endless
Another summer dies but there'll be light again
I have cried enough
To save me from this endless night
Another summer dies but she'll be back again
Winter's warning comes

I have waited for this day
Cold becomes familiar
When all warmth dies
Through the lies I can see the truth

have been forsaken
These tears turn ice I
For this thankless life
I have cried
A cold sedated slumber
It chills inside
Winter takes its place
Summer dies

Relevant Tags:
SSummer DDies ummer ies uSmmer iDes zummer xies zSummer xDies Szummer Dxies wummer eies wSummer eDies Swummer Deies dummer fies
dSummer fDies Sdummer Dfies eummer ries eSummer rDies Seummer Dries xummer cies xSummer cDies Sxummer Dcies aummer sies aSummer sDies
Saummer Dsies Suummer Diies Smmer Des Smumer Deis Shmmer Djes Shummer Djies Suhmmer Dijes S7mmer D9es S7ummer D9ies Su7mmer Di9es
Skmmer Dles Skummer Dlies Sukmmer Diles Simmer Does Siummer Doies Suimmer Dioes S8mmer Dkes S8ummer Dkies Su8mmer Dikes Sjmmer D8es
Sjummer D8ies Sujmmer Di8es Symmer Dues Syummer Duies Suymmer Diues Summmer Diees Sumer Dis Summer Dise Sujmer Diss Dises
Sumjmer Diess Sukmer Di3s

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