Look So Pretty

Say what you will
I will walk past that plate
of glass
Your time has passed

Don't ever say it's my time
Burning hatred will light my way

A choice not an echo

And as your world comes down,
I will be there

You look so pretty, digging
Your grave
You look so pretty what's
Left to save?

Say what you will
Eyes to the skies

You look so pretty right now

Mirror lyrics:

You look so pretty right now

Eyes to the skies
Say what you will

Left to save?
You look so pretty what's
Your grave
You look so pretty, digging

I will be there
And as your world comes down,

A choice not an echo

Burning hatred will light my way
Don't ever say it's my time

Your time has passed
of glass
I will walk past that plate
Say what you will

Relevant Tags:
LLook SSo PPretty ook o retty oLok oS rPetty kook zo 0retty kLook zSo 0Pretty Lkook Szo P0retty oook wo lretty oLook wSo lPretty
Loook Swo Plretty pook do oretty pLook dSo oPretty Lpook Sdo Poretty eo Prretty Lok eSo Petty Look Seo Pertty Lkok xo Pdetty
xSo Pdretty Lokok Sxo Prdetty L9ok ao P4etty L9ook aSo P4retty Lo9ok Sao Pr4etty L0ok Soo Pgetty L0ook S Pgretty Lo0ok So Prgetty
Llok Sk Ptetty Llook Sko Ptretty Lolok Sok Prtetty Liok S9 P5etty Liook S9o P5retty Loiok So9 Pr5etty S0 Pfetty S0o Pfretty
Loko So0 Prfetty Lokk Sl Peetty Slo Peretty Lookk Sol Preetty Lo9k Si Sio Prtty Loo9k Soi Prtety Lo0k Prstty
Prsetty Loo0k Prestty Lolk Pr3tty Pr3etty Loolk Pre3tty Loik Prftty Looik Preftty Prrtty
Loo Prertty Lool Pr4tty Lookl Pre4tty Looo Prdtty

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