Kitchens Of Destinction
Can't Trust The Waves

Sang by Julian
When I'm with you,
I'm the ocean,
float within me.
When I look at you
your brilliant smile
stops time,
intoxicates me.
I can't lose myself
in the moments of you,
nothing ripples, nothing sways.
This tender love feeds my days,
damn these foolish childish ways.

What use are these words?
What use are these lips?
My lips only melt on yours.
I can't trust the waves to float me,
I can't trust the moon that shines on you.
But when I'm with you,
I'm the ocean.
And when I'm with you
I've come home.

Mirror lyrics:

I've come home.
And when I'm with you
I'm the ocean.
But when I'm with you,
I can't trust the moon that shines on you.
I can't trust the waves to float me,
My lips only melt on yours.
What use are these lips?
What use are these words?

damn these foolish childish ways.
This tender love feeds my days,
nothing ripples, nothing sways.
in the moments of you,
I can't lose myself
intoxicates me.
stops time,
your brilliant smile
When I look at you
float within me.
I'm the ocean,
When I'm with you,
Sang by Julian

Relevant Tags:
CCan't TTrust TThe WWaves an't rust he aves aCn't rTust hTe aWves fan't frust fhe aaves fCan't fTrust fThe aWaves Cfan't Tfrust Tfhe Waaves
xan't 5rust 5he 3aves xCan't 5Trust 5The 3Waves Cxan't T5rust T5he W3aves van't hrust hhe daves vCan't hTrust hThe dWaves Cvan't Thrust Thhe Wdaves
dan't yrust yhe eaves dCan't yTrust yThe eWaves Cdan't Tyrust Tyhe Weaves Caan't 6rust 6he saves Cn't 6Trust 6The sWaves Cna't T6rust T6he Wsaves
Czn't grust ghe 2aves Czan't gTrust gThe 2Waves Cazn't Tgrust Tghe W2aves Cqn't rrust rhe qaves Cqan't rTrust rThe qWaves Caqn't Trrust Trhe Wqaves
Csn't Csan't Tust Te Wves Casn't Turst Teh Wvaes Cwn't Tdust Tje Wzves Cwan't Tdrust Tjhe Wzaves Cawn't Trdust Thje Wazves
Cxn't T4ust Tue Wqves T4rust Tuhe Caxn't Tr4ust Thue Waqves Cann't Tgust Tne Wsves Ca't Tnhe Ca'nt Trgust Thne Wasves
Cam't Ttust Tbe Wwves Camn't Ttrust Tbhe Wwaves Canm't Trtust Thbe Wawves Cah't T5ust Tge Wxves Cahn't Wxaves Canh't Tr5ust Thge Waxves
Caj't Tfust Tye Wavves Cajn't Waes Canj't Trfust Thye Waevs Cab't Teust Thee Wabes Cabn't Terust Th Wabves Canb't Treust The Wavbes
Can''t Truust Ths Waces Cant Trst Thse Wacves Cant' Trsut Thes Wavces Can'tt Trhst Th3 Wages Can' Trhust Th3e Wagves Can't Truhst The3 Wavges
Can'f Tr7st Thf Wafes Can'ft Tr7ust Thfe Wafves Can'tf Tru7st Thef Wavfes

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