Poison Pen Letter

Artist : Kisschasy
Title : Poison Pen Letter
It makes me laugh that you seem to sacrifice your time
just to speak out your mind.
You think you know me oh so well,
but it looks like you don't know yourself.

What is your name? Can anyone tell me?
Why do you hate? What's the point, why do you even stay?

If you're here then I know you're listening.
We are the ones they listen to they don't listen to you.
You hide your face behind the screen,
and your words are said via machine.
So tonight you know, I know what you're thinking.

Mirror lyrics:

So tonight you know, I know what you're thinking.
and your words are said via machine.
You hide your face behind the screen,
We are the ones they listen to they don't listen to you.
If you're here then I know you're listening.

Why do you hate? What's the point, why do you even stay?
What is your name? Can anyone tell me?

but it looks like you don't know yourself.
You think you know me oh so well,
just to speak out your mind.
It makes me laugh that you seem to sacrifice your time
Title : Poison Pen Letter
Artist : Kisschasy

Relevant Tags:
PPoison PPen LLetter oison en etter oPison ePn eLtter 0oison 0en ketter 0Poison 0Pen kLetter P0oison P0en Lketter
loison len oetter lPoison lPen oLetter Ploison Plen Loetter ooison oen petter oPoison oPen pLetter Pooison Poen Lpetter
Peen Leetter Pison Pn Ltter Pioson Pne Lteter Pkison Psn Lstter Pkoison Psen Lsetter Pokison Pesn Lestter
P9ison P3n L3tter P9oison P3en L3etter Po9ison Pe3n Le3tter P0ison Pfn Lftter Pfen Lfetter Po0ison Pefn Leftter
Plison Prn Lrtter Pren Lretter Polison Pern Lertter Piison P4n L4tter Pioison P4en L4etter Poiison Pe4n Le4tter
Pdn Ldtter Poson Pden Ldetter Posion Pedn Ledtter Pojson Pwn Lwtter Pojison Pwen Lwetter Poijson Pewn Lewtter
Po9son Penn Lettter Pe Leter Poi9son Pen Letter Polson Pem Lefter Pemn Poilson Penm Letfter
Pooson Peh Le5ter Pehn Le5tter Poioson Penh Let5ter Pokson Pej Lehter Pejn Lehtter Poikson Penj Lethter
Po8son Peb Leyter Po8ison Pebn Leytter Poi8son Penb Letyter Pouson Le6ter Pouison Le6tter Poiuson Let6ter
Poisson Legter Poion Legtter Poiosn Letgter

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