Kitty Wells
Back Street Affair

(Billy Wallace - Jimmy Rule)

Yes, I thought that you were true when I fell in love with you
For you told me you always would play square
Then I learned you had a home, that your wife had done gone wrong
And our love was just a back street affair.

Twas too late to say no when I found you fooled me so
For as time passed on I'd learned so much to care
Though I knew I must atone but my will was not my own
I'm paying for that back street affair.

--- Instrumental ---

You didn't count the cost you gambled and I lost
Now I must pay with hours of deep despair
You still can live your life with a true forgiving wife
But I can't live down a back street affair.

The love I gave so free is left to torture me
Though I know it's hopeless and it isn't fair
But still I must go on while the gossips spread our wrong
I'm paying for that back street affair...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm paying for that back street affair...
But still I must go on while the gossips spread our wrong
Though I know it's hopeless and it isn't fair
The love I gave so free is left to torture me

But I can't live down a back street affair.
You still can live your life with a true forgiving wife
Now I must pay with hours of deep despair
You didn't count the cost you gambled and I lost

--- Instrumental ---

I'm paying for that back street affair.
Though I knew I must atone but my will was not my own
For as time passed on I'd learned so much to care
Twas too late to say no when I found you fooled me so

And our love was just a back street affair.
Then I learned you had a home, that your wife had done gone wrong
For you told me you always would play square
Yes, I thought that you were true when I fell in love with you

(Billy Wallace - Jimmy Rule)

Relevant Tags:
BBack SStreet AAffair ack treet ffair aBck tSreet fAfair vack ztreet zffair vBack zStreet zAffair Bvack Sztreet Azffair
gack wtreet qffair gBack wStreet qAffair Bgack Swtreet Aqffair nack dtreet sffair nBack dStreet sAffair Bnack Sdtreet Asffair
hack etreet wffair hBack eStreet wAffair Bhack Setreet Awffair Baack xtreet xffair Bck xStreet xAffair Bcak Sxtreet Axffair
Bzck atreet Afffair Bzack aStreet Afair Bazck Satreet Affair Bqck Sttreet Acfair Bqack Sreet Acffair Baqck Srteet Afcfair
Bsck Sfreet Arfair Bsack Sftreet Arffair Basck Stfreet Afrfair Bwck S5reet Agfair Bwack S5treet Agffair Bawck St5reet Afgfair
Bxck Shreet Atfair Bxack Shtreet Atffair Baxck Sthreet Aftfair Bacck Syreet Avfair Bak Sytreet Avffair Bakc Styreet Afvfair
Bafk S6reet Adfair Bafck S6treet Adffair Bacfk St6reet Afdfair Baxk Sgreet Sgtreet Bacxk Stgreet Afafir
Bavk Srreet Afcair Bavck Srtreet Bacvk Strreet Affcair Badk Afrair Badck Steet Bacdk Steret Affrair
Backk Stdeet Afgair Bac Stdreet Back Strdeet Affgair Bacl St4eet Aftair Baclk St4reet Backl Str4eet Afftair
Baco Stgeet Afvair Bacok Backo Strgeet Affvair Bacm Stteet Afdair Bacmk Backm Strteet Affdair

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