K Otic
I Can't Explain (down Under Acoustic Version)

As the silence has growing
between us seems both you and I know
The words unspoken
The questions hanging in the air now
I can't see how we're getting anywhere

There's a line between love
and something that we've quietly crossed
The feeling that we both have lost
I'm not sure we can ever find again

I can't explain
Why love's lost it's glow
and it slipped away
How did it go
I just can't say
My heart leads the way
When tomorrow comes
I maybe on my way

The future that we once thought we
had turned out to a pass
Fading fast and we tried but couldn't make it last
and watched it vanish now we're standing here

I can't explain
Why love's lost it's glow
and it slipped away
How did it go
I just can't say
My heart leads the way
When tomorrow comes
I maybe on my way

What's nothing
What's something
What's love to you
What's life about
Just being
Or feeling your soul

I can't explain
Why love's lost it's glow
and it slipped away
How did it go
I just can't say
My heart leads the way
When tomorrow comes
I maybe on my way

Why love's lost it's glow
and it slipped away
How did it go
I just can't say
My heart leads the way
When tomorrow comes
I maybe on my way

What's something
What's love to you
What's life about
What's nothing
What's something
What's love to you
What's life about
Just being
Or feeling your soul

Mirror lyrics:

Or feeling your soul
Just being
What's life about
What's love to you
What's something
What's nothing
What's life about
What's love to you
What's something

I maybe on my way
When tomorrow comes
My heart leads the way
I just can't say
How did it go
and it slipped away
Why love's lost it's glow

I maybe on my way
When tomorrow comes
My heart leads the way
I just can't say
How did it go
and it slipped away
Why love's lost it's glow
I can't explain

Or feeling your soul
Just being
What's life about
What's love to you
What's something
What's nothing

I maybe on my way
When tomorrow comes
My heart leads the way
I just can't say
How did it go
and it slipped away
Why love's lost it's glow
I can't explain

and watched it vanish now we're standing here
Fading fast and we tried but couldn't make it last
had turned out to a pass
The future that we once thought we

I maybe on my way
When tomorrow comes
My heart leads the way
I just can't say
How did it go
and it slipped away
Why love's lost it's glow
I can't explain

I'm not sure we can ever find again
The feeling that we both have lost
and something that we've quietly crossed
There's a line between love

I can't see how we're getting anywhere
The questions hanging in the air now
The words unspoken
between us seems both you and I know
As the silence has growing

Relevant Tags:
II CCan't EExplain ((down UUnder AAcoustic VVersion) an't xplain down nder coustic ersion) I aCn't xEplain d(own nUder cAoustic eVrsion)
j fan't sxplain (ddown hnder zcoustic bersion) jI fCan't sExplain (own hUnder zAcoustic bVersion) Ij Cfan't Esxplain (odwn Uhnder Azcoustic Vbersion)
9 xan't 3xplain (xown 7nder qcoustic cersion) 9I xCan't 3Explain (xdown 7Under qAcoustic cVersion) I9 Cxan't E3xplain (dxown U7nder Aqcoustic Vcersion)
l van't fxplain (eown knder scoustic gersion) lI vCan't fExplain (edown kUnder sAcoustic gVersion) Il Cvan't Efxplain (deown Uknder Ascoustic Vgersion)
o dan't rxplain (fown inder wcoustic fersion) oI dCan't rExplain (fdown iUnder wAcoustic fVersion) Io Cdan't Erxplain (dfown Uinder Awcoustic Vfersion)
k Caan't 4xplain (rown 8nder xcoustic Veersion) kI Cn't 4Explain (rdown 8Under xAcoustic Vrsion) Ik Cna't E4xplain (drown U8nder Axcoustic Vresion)
8 Czn't dxplain (cown jnder Accoustic Vsrsion) 8I Czan't dExplain (cdown jUnder Aoustic Vsersion) I8 Cazn't Edxplain (dcown Ujnder Aocustic Vesrsion)
u Cqn't wxplain (sown ynder Afoustic V3rsion) uI Cqan't wExplain (sdown yUnder Afcoustic V3ersion) Iu Caqn't Ewxplain (dsown Uynder Acfoustic Ve3rsion)
Csn't Exxplain (doown Unnder Axoustic Vfrsion) Csan't Eplain (dwn Uder Casn't Epxlain (dwon Udner Acxoustic Vefrsion)
Cwn't Edplain (dkwn Umder Avoustic Vrrsion) Cwan't (dkown Umnder Avcoustic Vrersion) Cawn't Exdplain (dokwn Unmder Acvoustic Verrsion)
Cxn't Ezplain (d9wn Uhder Adoustic V4rsion) Ezxplain (d9own Adcoustic V4ersion) Caxn't Exzplain (do9wn Unhder Acdoustic Ve4rsion)
Cann't Ecplain (d0wn Ujder Acooustic Vdrsion) Ca't Ecxplain (d0own Acustic Vdersion) Ca'nt Excplain (do0wn Unjder Acuostic Vedrsion)
Cam't Esplain (dlwn Ubder Ackustic Vwrsion) Camn't (dlown Ubnder Ackoustic Vwersion) Canm't Exsplain (dolwn Unbder Acokustic Vewrsion)
Cah't Expplain (diwn Undder Ac9ustic Cahn't Exlain (diown Uner Ac9oustic Vesion) Canh't Exlpain (doiwn Unedr Aco9ustic Vesrion)
Caj't Ex0lain (dowwn Unxer Ac0ustic Vedsion) Cajn't Ex0plain (don Unxder Ac0oustic Canj't Exp0lain (donw Undxer Aco0ustic Verdsion)
Cab't Exllain (doan Uneer Aclustic Ve4sion) Cabn't Exlplain (doawn Uneder Acloustic Canb't Expllain (dowan Undeer Acolustic Ver4sion)
Can''t Exolain (do3n Unfer Aciustic Vegsion) Cant Exoplain (do3wn Unfder Acioustic Vegrsion) Cant' Expolain (dow3n Undfer Acoiustic Vergsion)
Can'tt (dodn Unrer Acouustic Vetsion) Can' Expain (dodwn Unrder Acostic Vetrsion) Can't Expalin (dowdn Undrer Acosutic Vertsion)
Can'f Expkain (doen Uncer Acohstic Ve5sion) Can'ft Expklain (doewn Uncder Acohustic Ve5rsion) Can'tf Explkain (dowen Undcer Acouhstic Ver5sion)
Can'5 Expoain (dosn Unser Aco7stic Vefsion) Can'5t (doswn Unsder Aco7ustic Can't5 Exploain (dowsn Undser Acou7stic Verfsion)
Can'h Exppain (do2n Acokstic Veesion) Can'ht (do2wn Undr Can'th Explpain (dow2n Undre Acoukstic Veresion)
Can'y Explaain (doqn Undsr Acoistic Verssion) Can'yt Explin (doqwn Verion) Can'ty Explian (dowqn Undesr Acouistic Verison)
Can'6 Explzin (downn Und3r Aco8stic Verzion) Can'6t Explzain (dow Und3er Aco8ustic Verzsion) Can't6 Explazin (down Unde3r Acou8stic Verszion)
Can'g Explqin (dowm Undfr Acojstic Verwion) Can'gt Explqain (dowmn Acojustic Verwsion) Can'tg Explaqin (downm Undefr Acoujstic Verswion)
Can'r Explsin (dowh Undrr Acoystic Verdion) Can'rt Explsain (dowhn Acoyustic Can'tr Explasin (downh Underr Acouystic Versdion)
Explwin (dowj Und4r Acousstic Vereion) Explwain (dowjn Und4er Acoutic Explawin (downj Unde4r Acoutsic Verseion)

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