Set The World On Fire

Well the other night
My automobile broke down on the road
I had to walk a mile
Before I found a telephone
I said "Hello, operator
Your phone just ate my dime"
A tape machine said "Sorry, sir"
And then hung up the line
Did you ever want to shout
I'm not gonna take it anymore
But you never get it out
You're too busy crawling back for more

Gonna set the world on fire
I'm gonna stand and watch it burn
I'm gonna get my heart's desire
And I don't care who gets hurt

On Friday afternoon
I went to get my paycheque cashed
I needed money badly
With the weekend coming fast
I line up for an hour
But when my turn arose
The teller said "I'm sorry, sir
This wicket's just been closed"
Did you ever want to shout
I'm not gonna take it anymore
But you never get it out
You're too busy crawling back for more

Gonna set the world on fire
I'm gonna stand and watch it burn
I'm gonna get my heart's desire
And I don't care who gets hurt

Don't you ever want to shout
I'm not gonna take it anymore
Go ahead and let it out
I'm fed up with crawling on the floor

So you had one of those nights
When you can't do nothin' right
And your luck's been running bad
And it makes you kinda mad
When everybody says
Don't let your frustrations
Get the best of you
Use a little patience
And they'll melt like morning dew

Gonna set the world on fire
I'm gonna stand and watch it burn
I'm gonna get my heart's desire
And I don't care who gets hurt

Mirror lyrics:

And I don't care who gets hurt
I'm gonna get my heart's desire
I'm gonna stand and watch it burn
Gonna set the world on fire

And they'll melt like morning dew
Use a little patience
Get the best of you
Don't let your frustrations
When everybody says
And it makes you kinda mad
And your luck's been running bad
When you can't do nothin' right
So you had one of those nights

I'm fed up with crawling on the floor
Go ahead and let it out
I'm not gonna take it anymore
Don't you ever want to shout

And I don't care who gets hurt
I'm gonna get my heart's desire
I'm gonna stand and watch it burn
Gonna set the world on fire

You're too busy crawling back for more
But you never get it out
I'm not gonna take it anymore
Did you ever want to shout
This wicket's just been closed"
The teller said "I'm sorry, sir
But when my turn arose
I line up for an hour
With the weekend coming fast
I needed money badly
I went to get my paycheque cashed
On Friday afternoon

And I don't care who gets hurt
I'm gonna get my heart's desire
I'm gonna stand and watch it burn
Gonna set the world on fire

You're too busy crawling back for more
But you never get it out
I'm not gonna take it anymore
Did you ever want to shout
And then hung up the line
A tape machine said "Sorry, sir"
Your phone just ate my dime"
I said "Hello, operator
Before I found a telephone
I had to walk a mile
My automobile broke down on the road
Well the other night

Relevant Tags:
SSet TThe WWorld OOn FFire et he orld n ire eSt hTe oWrld nO iFre zet fhe aorld kn cire zSet fThe aWorld kOn cFire Szet Tfhe Waorld Okn Fcire
wet 5he 3orld 9n rire wSet 5The 3World 9On rFire Swet T5he W3orld O9n Frire det hhe dorld 0n gire dSet hThe dWorld 0On gFire Sdet Thhe Wdorld O0n Fgire
eet yhe eorld ln tire eSet yThe eWorld lOn tFire Seet Tyhe Weorld Oln Ftire xet 6he sorld in vire xSet 6The sWorld iOn vFire Sxet T6he Wsorld Oin Fvire
aet ghe 2orld Onn dire aSet gThe 2World O dFire Saet Tghe W2orld On Fdire rhe qorld Om Fiire St rThe qWorld Omn Fre Ste Trhe Wqorld Onm Frie
Sst Woorld Oh Fjre Sset Te Wrld Ohn Fjire Sest Teh Wrold Onh Fijre S3t Tje Wkrld Oj F9re S3et Tjhe Wkorld Ojn F9ire Se3t Thje Wokrld Onj Fi9re
Sft Tue W9rld Ob Flre Sfet Tuhe W9orld Obn Flire Seft Thue Wo9rld Onb Filre Srt Tne W0rld Fore Sret Tnhe W0orld Foire Sert Thne Wo0rld Fiore
S4t Tbe Wlrld Fkre S4et Tbhe Wlorld Fkire Se4t Thbe Wolrld Fikre Sdt Tge Wirld F8re Wiorld F8ire Sedt Thge Woirld Fi8re
Swt Tye Worrld Fure Wold Fuire Sewt Thye Wolrd Fiure Sett Thee Wodld Firre Se Th Wodrld Fie Set The Wordld Fier
Sef Ths Wo4ld Fide Thse Wo4rld Fidre

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