A Million Miles Away

They used to tell me that I was just a fool
Dreaming away my time
But they soon found the more they put me down
The more I blocked them from my mind
I used to get my teacher so uptight
He'd always have to ask his questions twice

I'd be a million miles away
Drifting through time and space
I was a million miles away from any place
I was a million miles away
In a world of my own
A million miles away to parts unknown
I'd be gone

My end-of-term reports would always show
I did pretty well at school
But I kept them hid from all the other kids
I didn't want to seem uncool
My homeroom teacher didn't understand
The reason why I never raised my hand

I was a million miles away
In a world of my own
A million miles away in parts unknown
I'd be gone

I've flown across the galaxies
And been to Berkeley Square
I've passed the time with Sophocles
But never left my chair

But I'm a million miles away
Drifting through time and space
A million miles away from any place
A million miles away
I've built a world all my own
A million miles away to parts unknown
I'd be gone
A million miles away

Mirror lyrics:

A million miles away
I'd be gone
A million miles away to parts unknown
I've built a world all my own
A million miles away
A million miles away from any place
Drifting through time and space
But I'm a million miles away

But never left my chair
I've passed the time with Sophocles
And been to Berkeley Square
I've flown across the galaxies

I'd be gone
A million miles away in parts unknown
In a world of my own
I was a million miles away

The reason why I never raised my hand
My homeroom teacher didn't understand
I didn't want to seem uncool
But I kept them hid from all the other kids
I did pretty well at school
My end-of-term reports would always show

I'd be gone
A million miles away to parts unknown
In a world of my own
I was a million miles away
I was a million miles away from any place
Drifting through time and space
I'd be a million miles away

He'd always have to ask his questions twice
I used to get my teacher so uptight
The more I blocked them from my mind
But they soon found the more they put me down
Dreaming away my time
They used to tell me that I was just a fool

Relevant Tags:
AA MMillion MMiles AAway illion iles way A iMllion iMles wAay z jillion jiles zway zA jMillion jMiles zAway Az Mjillion Mjiles Azway
q killion kiles qway qA kMillion kMiles qAway Aq Mkillion Mkiles Aqway s nillion niles sway sA nMillion nMiles sAway As Mnillion Mniles Asway
w Miillion Miiles wway wA Mllion Mles wAway Aw Mlilion Mlies Awway x Mjllion Mjles xway xA xAway Ax Mijllion Mijles Axway
M9llion M9les M9illion M9iles Aay Mi9llion Mi9les Aawy Mlllion Mlles Aaay Mlillion Mliles Aaway Milllion Milles Awaay
Mollion Moles A3ay Moillion Moiles A3way Miollion Mioles Aw3ay Mkllion Mkles Aday Adway Mikllion Mikles Awday
M8llion M8les Aeay M8illion M8iles Aeway Mi8llion Mi8les Aweay Mullion Mules Asay Muillion Muiles Miullion Miules Awsay
A2ay Milion Mies A2way Million Miels Aw2ay Miklion Mikes Aqay Milklion Milkes Awqay Miolion Mioes
Awy Milolion Miloes Awya Miplion Mipes Awzy Mipllion Miples Awzay Milplion Milpes Awazy Milees Awqy

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