Kj 52
Fivetweezy (disco Mama Remix)

It's Fivetweezy KJ Fivetweezy,
It's Fivtweezy y'all
That's what my friends just call me
It's Fivetweezy KJ Fivetweezy,
It's Fivtweezy y'all
That's what my friends just call me

I've been gone but I'm back I guess
VH1 dissed me and I'm just a mess
And ever since then I got no friends left
So I'm a throw a fit like Kanye West
On top of that man I want to cry
The other day my mini van just up and died
I was on the highway and the engine fried
Yo mtv, why don't you pimp my ride
Really man why don't I try?
I get dissed all the time like vanilla ice
It's alright cause you know that i
Git 'r Done like Larry the cable guy
Anyway we came to get ya bouncing
Like tom cruse on oprah's couch and
It's 5 2 stop mispronouncing
So everyday c'mon and say it loud and


Mirror lyrics:


So everyday c'mon and say it loud and
It's 5 2 stop mispronouncing
Like tom cruse on oprah's couch and
Anyway we came to get ya bouncing
Git 'r Done like Larry the cable guy
It's alright cause you know that i
I get dissed all the time like vanilla ice
Really man why don't I try?
Yo mtv, why don't you pimp my ride
I was on the highway and the engine fried
The other day my mini van just up and died
On top of that man I want to cry
So I'm a throw a fit like Kanye West
And ever since then I got no friends left
VH1 dissed me and I'm just a mess
I've been gone but I'm back I guess

That's what my friends just call me
It's Fivtweezy y'all
It's Fivetweezy KJ Fivetweezy,
That's what my friends just call me
It's Fivtweezy y'all
It's Fivetweezy KJ Fivetweezy,

Relevant Tags:
FFivetweezy ((disco MMama RRemix) ivetweezy disco ama emix) iFvetweezy d(isco aMma eRmix) civetweezy (ddisco jama demix) cFivetweezy (isco jMama dRemix)
Fcivetweezy (idsco Mjama Rdemix) rivetweezy (xisco kama 4emix) rFivetweezy (xdisco kMama 4Remix) Frivetweezy (dxisco Mkama R4emix) givetweezy (eisco nama gemix)
gFivetweezy (edisco nMama gRemix) Fgivetweezy (deisco Mnama Rgemix) tivetweezy (fisco Maama temix) tFivetweezy (fdisco Mma tRemix) Ftivetweezy (dfisco Mmaa Rtemix)
vivetweezy (risco Mzma 5emix) vFivetweezy (rdisco Mzama 5Remix) Fvivetweezy (drisco Mazma R5emix) divetweezy (cisco Mqma femix) dFivetweezy (cdisco Mqama fRemix)
Fdivetweezy (dcisco Maqma Rfemix) Fiivetweezy (sisco Msma eemix) Fvetweezy (sdisco Msama eRemix) Fvietweezy (dsisco Masma Reemix) Fjvetweezy (diisco Mwma
Fjivetweezy (dsco Mwama Rmix) Fijvetweezy (dsico Mawma Rmeix) F9vetweezy (djsco Mxma Rsmix) F9ivetweezy (djisco Mxama Rsemix) Fi9vetweezy (dijsco Maxma Resmix)
Flvetweezy (d9sco Mamma R3mix) Flivetweezy (d9isco Maa R3emix) Filvetweezy (di9sco Maam Re3mix) Fovetweezy (dlsco Maja Rfmix) Foivetweezy (dlisco Majma
Fiovetweezy (dilsco Mamja Refmix) Fkvetweezy (dosco Maka Rrmix) Fkivetweezy (doisco Makma Rremix) Fikvetweezy (diosco Mamka Rermix) F8vetweezy (dksco Mana R4mix)
F8ivetweezy (dkisco Manma Fi8vetweezy (diksco Mamna Re4mix) Fuvetweezy (d8sco Mamaa Rdmix) Fuivetweezy (d8isco Mam Fiuvetweezy (di8sco Mama Redmix)
Fivvetweezy (dusco Mamz Rwmix) Fietweezy (duisco Mamza Rwemix) Fievtweezy (diusco Mamaz Rewmix) Fibetweezy (dissco Mamq Remmix) Fibvetweezy (dico Mamqa Reix)
Fivbetweezy (dicso Mamaq Reimx) Ficetweezy (dizco Mams Rejix) Ficvetweezy (dizsco Mamsa Rejmix) Fivcetweezy (diszco Mamas Remjix) Figetweezy (diwco Mamw Rekix)
Figvetweezy (diwsco Mamwa Rekmix) Fivgetweezy (diswco Mamaw Remkix) Fifetweezy (didco Mamx Renix) Fifvetweezy (didsco Mamxa Renmix) Fivfetweezy (disdco Mamax Remnix)
Fiveetweezy (dieco Remiix) Fivtweezy (diesco Remx) Fivteweezy (diseco Remxi) Fivstweezy (dixco Remjx) Fivsetweezy (dixsco
Fivestweezy (disxco Remijx) Fiv3tweezy (diaco Rem9x) Fiv3etweezy (diasco Rem9ix) Five3tweezy (disaco Remi9x) Fivftweezy (discco Remlx)
(diso Remlix) Fiveftweezy (disoc Remilx) Fivrtweezy (disfo Remox) Fivretweezy (disfco Remoix) Fivertweezy (discfo Remiox)
Fiv4tweezy (disxo Remkx) Fiv4etweezy Five4tweezy (discxo Remikx) Fivdtweezy (disvo Rem8x) Fivdetweezy (disvco Rem8ix)
Fivedtweezy (discvo Remi8x) Fivwtweezy (disdo Remux) Fivwetweezy Remuix) Fivewtweezy (discdo Remiux) Fivettweezy (discoo Remixx)
Fiveweezy (disc Remi) Fivewteezy (disco Remi)x Fivefweezy (disck Remid) (discko Remidx) Fivetfweezy (discok Remixd)
Five5weezy (disc9 Remiz) Five5tweezy (disc9o Remizx) Fivet5weezy (disco9 Remixz) Fivehweezy (disc0 Remic) Fivehtweezy (disc0o Remicx)
Fivethweezy (disco0 Remixc) Fiveyweezy (discl Remis) Fiveytweezy (disclo Remisx) Fivetyweezy (discol Remixs)

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