Song To Life

See how every flower
Brings joy and beauty to life
Smooths out the wrinckles of life
See how every bird in the sky
Strives for perfection
Shows us the way to go
Let's try it together

Give the children space to grow
Show them the beauty of life
Teach them the message of hope
Plant in every heart of men
The seeds of love and peace
So that tomorrow
We may reap the fruits of life
That speak to peace and love

Let's join the voices to sing to life
And send our love to all mankind
Knowing one day we will have one
Peaceful and happy world

Give the children space to grow
Show them the beauty of life
Teach them the message of hope
Plant in every heart of men
The seeds of love and peace
So that tomorrow
We may reap the fruits of life
That speak to peace and love

Let's join the voices to sing to life
And send our love to all mankind
Knowing one day we will have one
Peaceful and happy world

Let's join the voices to sing to life
And send our love to all mankind
Knowing one day we will have one
Peaceful and happy world

Mirror lyrics:

Peaceful and happy world
Knowing one day we will have one
And send our love to all mankind
Let's join the voices to sing to life

Peaceful and happy world
Knowing one day we will have one
And send our love to all mankind
Let's join the voices to sing to life

That speak to peace and love
We may reap the fruits of life
So that tomorrow
The seeds of love and peace
Plant in every heart of men
Teach them the message of hope
Show them the beauty of life
Give the children space to grow

Peaceful and happy world
Knowing one day we will have one
And send our love to all mankind
Let's join the voices to sing to life

That speak to peace and love
We may reap the fruits of life
So that tomorrow
The seeds of love and peace
Plant in every heart of men
Teach them the message of hope
Show them the beauty of life
Give the children space to grow

Let's try it together
Shows us the way to go
Strives for perfection
See how every bird in the sky
Smooths out the wrinckles of life
Brings joy and beauty to life
See how every flower

Relevant Tags:
SSong TTo LLife ong o ife oSng oT iLfe zong fo kife zSong fTo kLife Szong Tfo Lkife wong 5o oife wSong 5To oLife Swong T5o Loife
dong ho pife dSong hTo pLife Sdong Tho Lpife eong yo Liife eSong yTo Lfe Seong Tyo Lfie xong 6o Ljfe xSong 6To Ljife Sxong T6o Lijfe
aong go L9fe aSong gTo L9ife Saong Tgo Li9fe Soong ro Llfe Sng rTo Llife Snog Tro Lilfe Skng Too Lofe Skong T Sokng To Liofe
S9ng Tk Lkfe S9ong Tko So9ng Tok Likfe S0ng T9 L8fe S0ong T9o L8ife So0ng To9 Li8fe Slng T0 Lufe Slong T0o Luife Solng To0 Liufe
Sing Tl Liffe Siong Tlo Lie

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