Kj 52
A Coke, A Fry And A Cheeseburger

You know what?
You know what?
Rolled up to the place to be
I pulled right up to the Mickey C's
I got three cars in front of me
and man I'm feeling hungry now
Tell you what I gotta do
as I started pullin through
I said, "Can I get a number two?"
he said, "Sorry man, I ain't hearing you.."

A coke a fry and a cheeseburger
say that's all that I want to order
Just a coke a fry and a cheeseburger
say that's all that I want

He said, "Can you repeat that?"
So I began to scream back
Just a number two with a cheese stack
Now can you make that please fast?
Well let me repeat that back to you
Chicken burrito with a mountain dew
With two whoppers and a bean stew
Is there anything else I can get for you?

A coke a fry and a cheeseburger
say that's all that I want to order
Just a coke a fry and a cheeseburger
say that's all that I want

All I want is just a burger man
Forty times I think I told ya now
Really bro I ain't getting older
See I know my food be gettin colder now
All this junk I had enough
Well finally I just drove up with
All the trouble, what's the hold up?
Gave me a bag with a paper cup and..

A coke a fry and a cheeseburger
say that's all that I want to order
Just a coke a fry and a cheeseburger
say that's all that I want

Now I ain't ate like all day
So I gave him the money and drove away
When I reached in the bag and I'm about to take
Just a big old bite and I can't wait now
Where's the fries I'm supposed to have?
Where's the burger I'm supposed to grab?
Just right then I started gettin mad
Dang bro there ain't nothin in the bag

A coke a fry and a cheeseburger
say that's all that I want to order
Just a coke a fry and a cheeseburger
say that's all that I want

Mirror lyrics:

say that's all that I want
Just a coke a fry and a cheeseburger
say that's all that I want to order
A coke a fry and a cheeseburger

Dang bro there ain't nothin in the bag
Just right then I started gettin mad
Where's the burger I'm supposed to grab?
Where's the fries I'm supposed to have?
Just a big old bite and I can't wait now
When I reached in the bag and I'm about to take
So I gave him the money and drove away
Now I ain't ate like all day

say that's all that I want
Just a coke a fry and a cheeseburger
say that's all that I want to order
A coke a fry and a cheeseburger

Gave me a bag with a paper cup and..
All the trouble, what's the hold up?
Well finally I just drove up with
All this junk I had enough
See I know my food be gettin colder now
Really bro I ain't getting older
Forty times I think I told ya now
All I want is just a burger man

say that's all that I want
Just a coke a fry and a cheeseburger
say that's all that I want to order
A coke a fry and a cheeseburger

Is there anything else I can get for you?
With two whoppers and a bean stew
Chicken burrito with a mountain dew
Well let me repeat that back to you
Now can you make that please fast?
Just a number two with a cheese stack
So I began to scream back
He said, "Can you repeat that?"

say that's all that I want
Just a coke a fry and a cheeseburger
say that's all that I want to order
A coke a fry and a cheeseburger

he said, "Sorry man, I ain't hearing you.."
I said, "Can I get a number two?"
as I started pullin through
Tell you what I gotta do
and man I'm feeling hungry now
I got three cars in front of me
I pulled right up to the Mickey C's
Rolled up to the place to be
You know what?
You know what?

Relevant Tags:
AA CCoke, AA FFry AAnd AA CCheeseburger oke, ry nd heeseburger A oCke, A rFy nAd A hCeeseburger z foke, z cry znd z fheeseburger zA fCoke, zA cFry zAnd zA fCheeseburger
Az Cfoke, Az Fcry Aznd Az Cfheeseburger q xoke, q rry qnd q xheeseburger qA xCoke, qA rFry qAnd qA xCheeseburger Aq Cxoke, Aq Frry Aqnd Aq Cxheeseburger s voke, s gry snd s vheeseburger
sA vCoke, sA gFry sAnd sA vCheeseburger As Cvoke, As Fgry Asnd As Cvheeseburger w doke, w try wnd w dheeseburger wA dCoke, wA tFry wAnd wA dCheeseburger Aw Cdoke, Aw Ftry Awnd Aw Cdheeseburger
x Cooke, x vry xnd x Chheeseburger xA Cke, xA vFry xAnd xA Ceeseburger Ax Ckoe, Ax Fvry Axnd Ax Ceheseburger Ckke, dry Annd Cjeeseburger Ckoke, dFry Ad Cjheeseburger
Cokke, Fdry Adn Chjeeseburger C9ke, Amd Cueeseburger C9oke, Fy Amnd Cuheeseburger Co9ke, Fyr Anmd Chueeseburger C0ke, Fdy Ahd Cneeseburger
C0oke, Ahnd Cnheeseburger Co0ke, Frdy Anhd Chneeseburger Clke, F4y Ajd Cbeeseburger Cloke, F4ry Ajnd Cbheeseburger Colke, Fr4y Anjd Chbeeseburger
Cike, Fgy Abd Cgeeseburger Cioke, Abnd Cgheeseburger Coike, Frgy Anbd Chgeeseburger Fty Andd Cyeeseburger Coe, An Cyheeseburger
Coek, Frty And Chyeeseburger Cole, F5y Anx Cheeeseburger F5ry Anxd Cheseburger Cokle, Fr5y Andx Cheeseburger Cooe, Ffy Ane Chseseburger
Ffry Aned Chseeseburger Cokoe, Frfy Ande Cheseseburger Come, Fey Anf Ch3eseburger Comke, Fery Anfd Ch3eeseburger Cokme, Frey Andf Che3eseburger
Coje, Fryy Anr Chfeseburger Cojke, Fr Anrd Chfeeseburger Cokje, Fry Andr Chefeseburger Coie, Frg Anc Chreseburger Ancd Chreeseburger
Cokie, Fryg Andc Chereseburger Cokee, Frh Ans Ch4eseburger Cok, Frhy Ansd Ch4eeseburger Cok,e Fryh Ands Che4eseburger Coks, Fr6 Chdeseburger
Cokse, Fr6y Chdeeseburger Cokes, Fry6 Chedeseburger Cok3, Fru Chweseburger Cok3e, Fruy Chweeseburger Coke3, Fryu Cheweseburger
Cokf, Fr7 Cokfe, Fr7y Cokef, Fry7 Cheseeburger Cokr, Frj Chesseburger Cokre, Frjy
Coker, Fryj Cheesseburger Cok4, Frt Che3seburger Cok4e, Coke4, Fryt Chee3seburger Cokd, Chefseburger
Cokde, Coked, Cheefseburger Cokw, Cherseburger Cokwe, Cokew, Cheerseburger
Coke,, Che4seburger Coke Coke, Chee4seburger Chedseburger Cheedseburger
Chewseburger Cheewseburger Cheeeburger Cheeesburger Cheezeburger
Cheezseburger Cheeszeburger Cheeweburger Cheesweburger Cheedeburger
Cheesdeburger Cheeeeburger Cheeseeburger Cheexeburger Cheexseburger
Cheesxeburger Cheeaeburger Cheeaseburger Cheesaeburger Cheesburger
Cheesbeurger Cheessburger Cheesesburger Chees3burger Chees3eburger
Cheese3burger Cheesfburger Cheesfeburger Cheesefburger

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