Race With The Falcons

O' mighty one, thou who once reigned the earth and sky
I call you, come forth from the darkness
Grant me the knowledge to see all and an engine of war,
With it to strike down my foes,
To fly across the reformed world

Like the lightning in the night
Slashing through the pitch-black sky,
Reaching towards a new horizon
Let me rise again and ride
With the north wind through the sky
And feel the taste of a new conquest

Too long I've dwelt in shadows once again
Waging the war inside my head
Now hardened by the cold to be
Unbroken once and for all
With the gods by my side,
Armed and ready to strike

Like the lightning in the night
Slashing through the pitch-black sky,
Reaching towards a new horizon
Let me rise again and ride
With the north wind through the sky
And feel the taste of a new conquest
...and race with the falcons


Like the lightning in the night
Slashing through the pitch-black sky,
Reaching towards a new horizon
Let me rise again and ride
With the north wind through the sky
And feel the taste of a new conquest
...and race with the falcons
...race with the falcons

Mirror lyrics:

...race with the falcons
...and race with the falcons
And feel the taste of a new conquest
With the north wind through the sky
Let me rise again and ride
Reaching towards a new horizon
Slashing through the pitch-black sky,
Like the lightning in the night


...and race with the falcons
And feel the taste of a new conquest
With the north wind through the sky
Let me rise again and ride
Reaching towards a new horizon
Slashing through the pitch-black sky,
Like the lightning in the night

Armed and ready to strike
With the gods by my side,
Unbroken once and for all
Now hardened by the cold to be
Waging the war inside my head
Too long I've dwelt in shadows once again

And feel the taste of a new conquest
With the north wind through the sky
Let me rise again and ride
Reaching towards a new horizon
Slashing through the pitch-black sky,
Like the lightning in the night

To fly across the reformed world
With it to strike down my foes,
Grant me the knowledge to see all and an engine of war,
I call you, come forth from the darkness
O' mighty one, thou who once reigned the earth and sky

Relevant Tags:
RRace WWith TThe FFalcons ace ith he alcons aRce iWth hTe aFlcons dace aith fhe calcons dRace aWith fThe cFalcons Rdace Waith Tfhe Fcalcons
4ace 3ith 5he ralcons 4Race 3With 5The rFalcons R4ace W3ith T5he Fralcons gace dith hhe galcons gRace dWith hThe gFalcons Rgace Wdith Thhe Fgalcons
tace eith yhe talcons tRace eWith yThe tFalcons Rtace Weith Tyhe Ftalcons 5ace sith 6he valcons 5Race sWith 6The vFalcons R5ace Wsith T6he Fvalcons
face 2ith ghe dalcons fRace 2With gThe dFalcons Rface W2ith Tghe Fdalcons eace qith rhe Faalcons eRace qWith rThe Flcons Reace Wqith Trhe Flacons
Raace Wiith Fzlcons Rce Wth Te Fzalcons Rcae Wtih Teh Fazlcons Rzce Wjth Tje Fqlcons Rzace Wjith Tjhe Fqalcons Razce Wijth Thje Faqlcons
Rqce W9th Tue Fslcons Rqace W9ith Tuhe Fsalcons Raqce Wi9th Thue Faslcons Rsce Wlth Tne Fwlcons Rsace Wlith Tnhe Fwalcons Rasce Wilth Thne Fawlcons
Rwce Woth Tbe Fxlcons Rwace Woith Tbhe Fxalcons Rawce Wioth Thbe Faxlcons Rxce Wkth Tge Fallcons Rxace Wkith Facons Raxce Wikth Thge Faclons
Racce W8th Tye Fakcons Rae W8ith Faklcons Raec Wi8th Thye Falkcons Rafe Wuth Thee Faocons Rafce Wuith Th Faolcons Racfe Wiuth The Falocons
Raxe Witth Ths Fapcons Wih Thse Faplcons Racxe Wiht Thes Falpcons Rave Wifh Th3 Falccons Ravce Wifth Th3e Falons Racve Witfh The3 Falocns
Rade Wi5h Thf Falfons Radce Wi5th Thfe Falfcons Racde Wit5h Thef Falcfons Racee Wihh Thr Falxons Rac Wihth Thre Falxcons Race Withh Ther Falcxons

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