Kiuas War Anthem

We come with a calmness than only years
Spent out there can give you
We stand out - we wear it with style
From the ranks of the gifted, a single line of
Excellence - lifted
It's time to purge your ears with flame

Wall of sound - cutting your head
We trust you've learned your lesson
From the depths - tearing the ground
The hands that drag you down
One by one - wiping you out
This siege cannot be broken
Until the end - this regiment of rumble
Marches on

Our secret is simple
We're simply better by far
We stand armed and wait for the sign
The beauty of conquest
The rush that seems to last a lifetime
It's time to purge your ears with flame

Mirror lyrics:

It's time to purge your ears with flame
The rush that seems to last a lifetime
The beauty of conquest
We stand armed and wait for the sign
We're simply better by far
Our secret is simple

Marches on
Until the end - this regiment of rumble
This siege cannot be broken
One by one - wiping you out
The hands that drag you down
From the depths - tearing the ground
We trust you've learned your lesson
Wall of sound - cutting your head

It's time to purge your ears with flame
Excellence - lifted
From the ranks of the gifted, a single line of
We stand out - we wear it with style
Spent out there can give you
We come with a calmness than only years

Relevant Tags:
KKiuas WWar AAnthem iuas ar nthem iKuas aWr nAthem liuas aar znthem lKiuas aWar zAnthem Kliuas Waar Aznthem oiuas 3ar qnthem
oKiuas 3War qAnthem Koiuas W3ar Aqnthem miuas dar snthem mKiuas dWar sAnthem Kmiuas Wdar Asnthem jiuas ear wnthem jKiuas eWar wAnthem
Kjiuas Wear Awnthem iiuas sar xnthem iKiuas sWar xAnthem Kiiuas Wsar Axnthem 2ar Annthem Kuas 2War Athem Kuias W2ar Atnhem
Kjuas qar Amthem qWar Amnthem Kijuas Wqar Anmthem K9uas Ahthem K9iuas Wr Ahnthem Ki9uas Wra Anhthem Kluas Wzr Ajthem
Wzar Ajnthem Kiluas Wazr Anjthem Kouas Wqr Abthem Abnthem Kiouas Waqr Anbthem Kkuas Wsr Antthem Kkiuas Anhem
Kikuas Wasr Anhtem K8uas Wwr Anfhem K8iuas Wwar Anfthem Ki8uas Wawr Antfhem Kuuas Wxr An5hem Kuiuas Wxar An5them Kiuuas Waxr Ant5hem
Warr Anhhem Kias Wa Kiaus War Anthhem Kihas Wad Anyhem Kihuas Wadr Anythem Kiuhas Ward Antyhem Ki7as Wa4 An6hem
Ki7uas Wa4r An6them Kiu7as War4 Ant6hem Kikas Wag Anghem Wagr Angthem Kiukas Warg Antghem Kiias Wat Anrhem

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