Kitty Wells
Will Your Lawyer Talk To God

(Harlan Howard - Richard Johnson)

Your lawyer called and said he has the papers all prepared
To sign my name was all I had to do
He saw the judge now he seen me there's only one thing left
Will your lawyer talk to God for you.

Will your lawyer talk to God and plead your case up on high
And defend the way you've broke my heart in two
Man made loss set you free on earth but is God satisfied
Will your lawyer talk to God for you.

--- Instrumental ---

We all face that final judgement and it's very strick they say
When your time comes I wonder what you'll do
Will you bow your head in shame or will you turn your head away
Or will your lawyer talk to God for you.

Will your lawyer talk to God and plead your case up on high
And defend the way you've broke my heart in two
Man made loss set you free on earth but is God satisfied
Will your lawyer talk to God for you...

Mirror lyrics:

Will your lawyer talk to God for you...
Man made loss set you free on earth but is God satisfied
And defend the way you've broke my heart in two
Will your lawyer talk to God and plead your case up on high

Or will your lawyer talk to God for you.
Will you bow your head in shame or will you turn your head away
When your time comes I wonder what you'll do
We all face that final judgement and it's very strick they say

--- Instrumental ---

Will your lawyer talk to God for you.
Man made loss set you free on earth but is God satisfied
And defend the way you've broke my heart in two
Will your lawyer talk to God and plead your case up on high

Will your lawyer talk to God for you.
He saw the judge now he seen me there's only one thing left
To sign my name was all I had to do
Your lawyer called and said he has the papers all prepared

(Harlan Howard - Richard Johnson)

Relevant Tags:
WWill YYour LLawyer TTalk TTo GGod ill our awyer alk o od iWll oYur aLwyer aTlk oT oGd aill gour kawyer falk fo hod aWill gYour kLawyer fTalk fTo hGod
Waill Ygour Lkawyer Tfalk Tfo Ghod 3ill hour oawyer 5alk 5o yod 3Will hYour oLawyer 5Talk 5To yGod W3ill Yhour Loawyer T5alk T5o Gyod dill 6our pawyer halk ho bod
dWill 6Your pLawyer hTalk hTo bGod Wdill Y6our Lpawyer Thalk Tho Gbod eill uour Laawyer yalk yo vod eWill uYour Lwyer yTalk yTo vGod Weill Yuour Lwayer Tyalk Tyo Gvod
sill 7our Lzwyer 6alk 6o fod sWill 7Your Lzawyer 6Talk 6To fGod Wsill Y7our Lazwyer T6alk T6o Gfod 2ill jour Lqwyer galk go tod 2Will jYour Lqawyer gTalk gTo tGod
W2ill Yjour Laqwyer Tgalk Tgo Gtod qill tour Lswyer ralk ro Good qWill tYour Lsawyer rTalk rTo Gd Wqill Ytour Laswyer Tralk Tro Gdo Wiill Yoour Lwwyer Taalk Too Gkd
Wll Yur Lwawyer Tlk T Gkod Wlil Yuor Lawwyer Tlak To Gokd Wjll Ykur Lxwyer Tzlk Tk G9d Wjill Ykour Lxawyer Tzalk Tko G9od Wijll Yokur Laxwyer Tazlk Tok Go9d
W9ll Y9ur Tqlk T9 G0d W9ill Y9our Layer Tqalk T9o G0od Wi9ll Yo9ur Laywer Taqlk To9 Go0d Wlll Y0ur Laayer Tslk T0 Gld Wlill Y0our Tsalk T0o Glod
Willl Yo0ur Lawayer Taslk To0 Gold Woll Ylur La3yer Twlk Tl Gid Woill Ylour La3wyer Twalk Tlo Giod Wioll Yolur Law3yer Tawlk Tol Goid Wkll Yiur Ladyer Txlk Ti Godd
Wkill Yiour Ladwyer Txalk Tio Go Wikll Yoiur Lawdyer Taxlk Toi God W8ll Youur Laeyer Tallk Gox W8ill Yor Laewyer Tak Goxd Wi8ll Yoru Laweyer Takl Godx
Wull Yohr Lasyer Takk Goe Wuill Yohur Taklk Goed Wiull Youhr Lawsyer Talkk Gode Yo7r La2yer Taok Gof Wil Yo7ur La2wyer Taolk Gofd
Will You7r Law2yer Talok Godf Wikl Yokr Laqyer Tapk Gor Taplk Gord Wilkl Youkr Lawqyer Talpk Godr Wiol Yoir Lawyyer Goc
Lawer Tal Gocd Wilol Youir Laweyr Talk Godc Wipl Yo8r Lawger Tall Gos Wipll Yo8ur Lawgyer Gosd

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