Jim Ed Brown And The Browns
Faith Unlocks The Door

(Samuel T. Scott - Robert L. Sands)

Prayer is the key to heaven
But faith unlocks the door
Words are so easily spoken
Prayer without faith is like a boat without an oar.

How faith when you speak to the Master
That's all he asks you for
Prayer is the key to heaven
But faith unlocks the door.

--- Instrumental ---

How faith when you speak to the Master
That's all he asks you for
Prayer is the key to heaven
But faith unlocks the door...

Mirror lyrics:

But faith unlocks the door...
Prayer is the key to heaven
That's all he asks you for
How faith when you speak to the Master

--- Instrumental ---

But faith unlocks the door.
Prayer is the key to heaven
That's all he asks you for
How faith when you speak to the Master

Prayer without faith is like a boat without an oar.
Words are so easily spoken
But faith unlocks the door
Prayer is the key to heaven

(Samuel T. Scott - Robert L. Sands)

Relevant Tags:
FFaith UUnlocks TThe DDoor aith nlocks he oor aFith nUlocks hTe oDor caith hnlocks fhe xoor cFaith hUnlocks fThe xDoor Fcaith Uhnlocks Tfhe Dxoor
raith 7nlocks 5he eoor rFaith 7Unlocks 5The eDoor Fraith U7nlocks T5he Deoor gaith knlocks hhe foor gFaith kUnlocks hThe fDoor Fgaith Uknlocks Thhe Dfoor
taith inlocks yhe roor tFaith iUnlocks yThe rDoor Ftaith Uinlocks Tyhe Droor vaith 8nlocks 6he coor vFaith 8Unlocks 6The cDoor Fvaith U8nlocks T6he Dcoor
daith jnlocks ghe soor dFaith jUnlocks gThe sDoor Fdaith Ujnlocks Tghe Dsoor Faaith ynlocks rhe Dooor Fith yUnlocks rThe Dor Fiath Uynlocks Trhe Door
Fzith Unnlocks Dkor Fzaith Ulocks Te Dkoor Fazith Ulnocks Teh Dokor Fqith Umlocks Tje D9or Fqaith Umnlocks Tjhe D9oor Faqith Unmlocks Thje Do9or
Fsith Uhlocks Tue D0or Fsaith Tuhe D0oor Fasith Unhlocks Thue Do0or Fwith Ujlocks Tne Dlor Fwaith Tnhe Dloor Fawith Unjlocks Thne Dolor
Fxith Ublocks Tbe Dior Fxaith Ubnlocks Tbhe Dioor Faxith Unblocks Thbe Doior Faiith Unllocks Tge Fath Unocks Fatih Unolcks Thge Doro
Fajth Unkocks Tye Dokr Fajith Unklocks Faijth Unlkocks Thye Dookr Fa9th Unoocks Thee Do9r Fa9ith Unolocks Th Fai9th Unloocks The Doo9r
Falth Unpocks Ths Do0r Falith Unplocks Thse Failth Unlpocks Thes Doo0r Faoth Th3 Dolr Faoith Unlcks Th3e Faioth Unlcoks The3 Doolr
Fakth Unlkcks Thf Doir Fakith Thfe Faikth Unlokcks Thef Dooir Fa8th Unl9cks Thr Doorr Fa8ith Unl9ocks Thre Doo

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