Jim Ed Brown And The Browns
All Of Me Belongs To You

(Merle Haggard)

All of me belongs to you all the time
You're the only one that's ever on my mind
There's no way that I would ever be untrue
There's not one single part of me that don't miss you
Through and through, all of me belongs to you.

Eyes are worthless since you're not here to see
Lips're so forgotten since you forgotten me
My arms ache from reaching out to you the way they do
There's not one single part of me that don't miss you
Through and through, all of me belongs to you.

Fingers claw the darkness in my dreams
Searching for a love I lost and can't redeem
I'm yours and I can't give my heart to someone new
Not one single part of me that my heart don't include
All of me belongs to you, all of me belongs to you...

Mirror lyrics:

All of me belongs to you, all of me belongs to you...
Not one single part of me that my heart don't include
I'm yours and I can't give my heart to someone new
Searching for a love I lost and can't redeem
Fingers claw the darkness in my dreams

Through and through, all of me belongs to you.
There's not one single part of me that don't miss you
My arms ache from reaching out to you the way they do
Lips're so forgotten since you forgotten me
Eyes are worthless since you're not here to see

Through and through, all of me belongs to you.
There's not one single part of me that don't miss you
There's no way that I would ever be untrue
You're the only one that's ever on my mind
All of me belongs to you all the time

(Merle Haggard)

Relevant Tags:
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Belkngs Yoi Belokngs Youi Bel9ngs Yo8 Bel9ongs Yo8u Belo9ngs You8 Bel0ngs Yoj

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