Jim Croce
I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song

Well, I know it's kinda late.
I hope I didn't wake you.
But what I gotta say can't wait,
I know you'd understand.

Every time I tried to tell you,
The words just came out wrong,
So I'll have to say I love you in a song.

Yeah, I know it's kinda strange.
Every time I'm near you,
I just run out of things to say.
I know you'd understand.

Cuz' every time I try to tell you,
The words just came out wrong,
So I'll have to say I love you in a song.

Cuz' every time the time is right,
All the words just came out wrong,
So I'll have to say I love you in a song

Yeah I know it's kinda late.
Hope I didn't wake you,
But there's something I just gotta say.
Know you'd understand.

Every time I try to tell you,
The words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you in a song.

Mirror lyrics:

So I'll have to say I love you in a song.
The words just came out wrong
Every time I try to tell you,

Know you'd understand.
But there's something I just gotta say.
Hope I didn't wake you,
Yeah I know it's kinda late.

So I'll have to say I love you in a song
All the words just came out wrong,
Cuz' every time the time is right,

So I'll have to say I love you in a song.
The words just came out wrong,
Cuz' every time I try to tell you,

I know you'd understand.
I just run out of things to say.
Every time I'm near you,
Yeah, I know it's kinda strange.

So I'll have to say I love you in a song.
The words just came out wrong,
Every time I tried to tell you,

I know you'd understand.
But what I gotta say can't wait,
I hope I didn't wake you.
Well, I know it's kinda late.

Relevant Tags:
II'll HHave TTo SSay II LLove YYou IIn AA SSong 'll ave o ay ove ou n ong 'Ill aHve oT aSy I oLve oYu nI A oSng
j'll jave fo zay j kove gou jn z zong jI'll jHave fTo zSay jI kLove gYou jIn zA zSong Ij'll Hjave Tfo Szay Ij Lkove Ygou Ijn Az Szong
9'll uave 5o way 9 oove hou 9n q wong 9I'll uHave 5To wSay 9I oLove hYou 9In qA wSong I9'll Huave T5o Sway I9 Loove Yhou I9n Aq Swong
l'll nave ho day l pove 6ou ln s dong lI'll nHave hTo dSay lI pLove 6You lIn sA dSong Il'll Hnave Tho Sday Il Lpove Y6ou Iln As Sdong
o'll bave yo eay o uou on w eong oI'll bHave yTo eSay oI Lve uYou oIn wA eSong Io'll Hbave Tyo Seay Io Lvoe Yuou Ion Aw Seong
k'll gave 6o xay k Lkve 7ou kn x xong kI'll gHave 6To xSay kI 7You kIn xA xSong Ik'll Hgave T6o Sxay Ik Lokve Y7ou Ikn Ax Sxong
8'll yave go aay 8 L9ve jou 8n aong 8I'll yHave gTo aSay 8I L9ove jYou 8In aSong I8'll Hyave Tgo Saay I8 Lo9ve Yjou I8n Saong
u'll Haave ro u L0ve tou un Soong uI'll Hve rTo Sy uI L0ove tYou uIn Sng Iu'll Hvae Tro Sya Iu Lo0ve Ytou Iun Snog
I''ll Hzve Too Szy Llve Yoou Inn Skng Ill Hzave T Llove Yu I Skong Il'l Hazve To Sazy Lolve Yuo In Sokng
I'lll Hqve Tk Sqy Live Yku Im S9ng I'l Hqave Tko Sqay Liove Ykou Imn S9ong I'll Haqve Tok Saqy Loive Yoku Inm So9ng
I'kl Hsve T9 Ssy Lovve Y9u Ih S0ng I'kll Hsave T9o Ssay Loe Y9ou Ihn S0ong I'lkl Hasve To9 Sasy Loev Yo9u Inh So0ng
I'ol Hwve T0 Swy Lobe Y0u Ij Slng I'oll Hwave T0o Lobve Y0ou Slong I'lol Hawve To0 Sawy Lovbe Yo0u Inj Solng
I'pl Hxve Tl Sxy Loce Ylu Ib Sing I'pll Hxave Tlo Locve Ylou Ibn Siong I'lpl Haxve Tol Saxy Lovce Yolu Inb Soing

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